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    I Was Blind, But Now I See

    It was six years ago that I lost the vision in my left eye. Today, after much struggle, I can finally see God’s purpose in it.

    “I have a more powerful weapon”

    We often take for granted that we can openly study the Bible. Hear two stories from people who don’t enjoy that freedom. Barbara Follis welcomes Amy and Daniel to the program, as they share what it’s like to be a Christian in countries where reading God’s Word can land you in prison. A resource just […]

    Mightier than All



    Iguazu Falls on the border of Brazil and Argentina is a spectacular waterfall system of 275 falls along 2.7 km (1.67 miles) of the Iguazu River. Etched on a wall on the Brazilian side of the Falls are the words of Psalm 93:4, “Mightier than the thunders of many waters, mightier than the waves of the sea, the Lord on high is mighty!” (rsv). Below it are these words, “God is always greater than all of our troubles.”

    The writer of Psalm 93, who penned its words during the time that kings reigned, knew that God is the ultimate King over…

    Sufficient grace for each moment

    Faith is a daily journey. But when a medical diagnosis turns life into a steep, uphill climb it’s easy to get weary and fearful. Join host Barbara Follis to hear stories from Chris, Tiffany, and Carla. They’re sharing how God’s grace overcame the dark clouds renewing their hope. Learn more about God’s grace impacting your […]

    Suffering Afflictions and Going the Second Mile

    This verse reveals the humiliation of being a Christian. In the natural realm, if a person does not hit back, it is because he is a coward. But in the spiritual realm, it is the very evidence of the Son of God in him if he does not hit back. When you are insulted, you must not only not resent it, but you must make it an opportunity to exhibit the Son of God in your life. And you cannot imitate the nature of Jesus— it is either in you or it is not.

    God Sees You

    Susan had suffered one disappointment after another, and she was feeling disillusioned with God. She asked me and another friend to pray with her, and we gladly did. I’ll never forget my friend’s prayer, “Lord, let Susan know You love her—that You see her.” The next day Susan thanked us for our prayers. She said she’d been feeling invisible, and our prayers helped her to feel visible again. She knew afresh that God saw her.

    Comforted To Comfort

    “Pastor, the results came out positive. My wife has breast cancer.” When a congregation member broke this news to me one Sunday morning, I was speechless. What could I possibly say to comfort my friend in light of this bitter news? After a moment of silence, I quickly remembered the words that most comforted me when my own wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. And so with a level voice, I replied, “I want you to know that I’m here for both of you, no matter what.” He wore the same expression of gratitude that I had worn years before…

    “God, I cannot do this journey”

    Carol’s son Jason had big dreams: a U.S. Naval Academy graduation, a fairy-tale wedding, and a new life with his wife and her two young daughters. But one fateful decision would end it all. Learn how even a life behind bars could not stop God’s redemptive plan for both Carol Kent and her son.   […]

    The Overshadowing of God’s Personal Deliverance

    . . . I am with you to deliver you,’ says the Lord —Jeremiah 1:8

    God promised Jeremiah that He would deliver him personally— “. . . your life shall be as a prize to you . . .” (Jeremiah …

    Far Greater Love

    During a major sports competition, a male sprinter jumped the gun, resulting in a false start and immediate disqualification from the event. His responses included tearing off his sprinter’s bib, writhing on the ground, and weeping in a curled-up position at the side of the track. A female sprinter was running well in her event when she slipped coming over a hurdle on a rain-slicked track and fell to the ground. Her race for all intents and purposes was over, but she got up and finished it with a look of calm determination on her face.

    Job & Jesus and puzzling questions

    Today on Discover the Word, the team concludes the series titled, “Job and Jesus”! And as they come to the end of Job’s story, they come across a puzzling question you may not have thought about before. It’s about his children. Join the team today for a thought-provoking discussion about “Job and Jesus,” today on […]

    “He is the God of what is left.”

    Where do you turn when you’ve been knocked down so many times you don’t think you can possibly get back up again? Pam describes how she finally surrendered, then found herself lifted up in a way she never thought possible. A resource just for you: Hymns for the Christian Life music DVD by The Gettys. […]

    Pondering some important questions about God

    Today on Discover the Word,  the group continues their study in the Old Testament book of Job. Join them at the table as they uncover how God’s questions are wiser than our best answers, and how pondering some important questions about God can encourage our growth. Pull up the fourth chair and listen today to […]

    The story of Jesus found in the book of Job

    Today on Discover the Word, we start the second week of a fascinating series titled, “Job and Jesus.” Join the group to find the story the whole Bible is telling—the story of Jesus—is found even in the ancient story of Job. Listen to Discover the Word today!

    Is God a “brand” you can trust?

    Different brands bring different things to mind! And we all have brands we trust. But today on Discover the Word, the group describe God’s brand, and how Job and you, can make it your brand. So is God “on brand” or “off brand” in the story of Job? Find out how God’s brand was also […]

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