United States Volunteer | Our Daily Bread Ministries

For many years, friends of Our Daily Bread asked whether we had opportunities for volunteer service. They were not interested in financial compensation, but wanted to have a part in getting Our Daily Bread and other Bible-study materials into the hands of more people. So in the fall of 2003, a volunteer program called Service Partners was established. Since that time our Service Partners Program has grown to include over 130 mission-minded individuals and has become an integral part of our ministry to millions of people worldwide. Service Partners come from many backgrounds and for a variety of reasons.

  • Retirees who have time and energy they want to contribute to a meaningful task
  • Individuals who find themselves between employments and want to maintain or develop new skills
  • Student groups who want to contribute some time to a worthwhile cause
  • Those looking for Christian fellowship and meaningful friendships


The Service Partners Program provides opportunities for friends and supporters of Our Daily Bread Ministries to enlarge and enhance our outreach through quality volunteer service.


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