Our Daily Bread Ministries


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    Our Generation’s Biggest Struggle: Stillness

    For most of my life, I struggled with being still. Being an extrovert made it hard to say no to people. I would push myself to do anything and everything for others, and failed to make time to simply be silent.

    I Was Blind, But Now I See

    It was six years ago that I lost the vision in my left eye. Today, after much struggle, I can finally see God’s purpose in it.

    Chester Bennington’s death: Numbing the pain is not the same as healing it

    It was just one of many suicides among celebrities. But the death of Chester Bennington, the frontman of American rock band Linkin Park, struck a chord among many fans of my generation.

    4 Ways to Flee Sexual Temptation

    I read about a recent pastors’ conference in the United States where, during the Q&A session, the inevitable question came to the old preacher sitting on a stool in the middle of the stage: “What is the one thing you want younger pastors to know?”

    If Not for Her, My Life Would Have Fallen Apart

    Whenever I recall the good things Christ has done for me, I always think of Maureen Ong, a godly woman God used to bring me into His presence.

    War for the Planet of the Apes: Forgiveness and the Darkness Within

    It’s the third instalment of the critically acclaimed series and it’s epic—an epic showdown between man and ape, that is.

    My Antidote to Panic Attacks: Worship

    I’ll never forget the first time I had a panic attack. It was in my second year of university and I was doing what any normal 19-year-old American girl would do on a Thursday evening—buying a pint of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream at the local supermarket.

    God’s Unexpected Plan in My Failed Job-Hunt

    I have dreamed of becoming a journalist since entering college. My love for writing and travelling were my primary reasons for choosing the journalism course. But as graduation drew near, I was torn between two choices: passion or salary?

    2 Tips to Date in A Loving Way

    When it comes to interacting with members of the opposite sex, it’s likely that such questions would’ve crossed our minds before.

    When Gender becomes “a thing”

    “Ha, ‘That’s not the gender I associate with’. Can you believe that’s even a thing these days? The world has gotten so ridiculous.” A friend and I were discussing how you can’t be too quick to assume one’s gender these days.

    When My Best Friend Told Me Off

    I remember the day vividly. I was sitting in my brother’s room, cooling off after an argument with my best friend.

    Starting Work? Here’s 3 Must-have Attitudes

    I’ve been down this road many times before. I did my postgraduate studies full-time and worked part-time as a lecturer in my university. Then the roles reversed and I worked full-time in banking and studied theology part-time.

    The Day I Forgave My Abusive Father

    I used to hate my father. In my eyes, he was a compulsive gambler, a hypocrite and someone not worthy of being a father.

    There is No Shame in Getting Help

    Due to injuries resulting from a major car accident which left me bed-bound, I have ample personal experience knowing that asking for help is not an easy thing to do.

    5 Lessons from A Family Feud

    Family disputes are common. In fact, I see them happening in my own family all too often, whether it is over minute or important matters.

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