Our Daily Bread Ministries


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    Sufficient grace for each moment

    Faith is a daily journey. But when a medical diagnosis turns life into a steep, uphill climb it’s easy to get weary and fearful. Join host Barbara Follis to hear stories from Chris, Tiffany, and Carla. They’re sharing how God’s grace overcame the dark clouds renewing their hope. Learn more about God’s grace impacting your […]

    You are not alone

    When a difficult situation threatens to drag us down, we can either let ourselves fall or surrender to the only One who can hold us up. Learn how both Mary Ann and Pat found a lifeline in God’s Word when it felt like their worlds were falling apart. Find peace and joy when trying circumstances […]

    The Burden of Waiting

    Over the last few years, two members of my family have faced life-threatening diagnoses. For me, the hardest part of supporting them through their treatments has been the constant uncertainty. I am always desperate for a definitive word from a doctor, but things are rarely that straightforward. Instead of being given clarity, we are often asked to wait.

    It’s hard to bear the burden of uncertainty, always wondering what the next test will reveal. Will we have weeks, months, years, or decades before death separates us? But regardless of disease and diagnoses, each of us will die one day—things like cancer…

    God is enough

    Is God really enough? In the face of losing a child, the grief can feel overwhelming. But as Mindy and Arlen found, God is more than enough. Discover God’s comfort and security for whatever you’re facing, even when you grieve.   Since the time Arlen’s story was recorded, Hannah’s cancer has returned.  She has just […]

    When Yes Means No

    I thanked God for the privilege of serving as my mom’s live-in caregiver during her battle against leukemia. When medicines began to hurt more than help, she decided to stop treatment. “I don’t want to suffer anymore,” she said. “I want to enjoy my last days with family. God knows I’m ready to go home.”

    I pleaded with our loving heavenly Father—the Great Physician—confident He could work miracles. But to say yes to my mom’s prayers, He would have to say no to mine. Sobbing, I surrendered, “Your will be done, Lord.”

    Soon after, Jesus welcomed my mama into a pain-free eternity.



    During my sister-in-law’s lengthy hospital stay, battling an advanced form of cancer, our family spent many hours in a “family room” just down the hall from her room. We befriended a family whose mother had been diagnosed with the same disease. When both women entered hospice within days of each other, the two families shared tears and hugs. As I talked with a daughter of the mother, she said their experience had been “brutiful”—both brutal and beautiful. Similar to my family’s experience, God’s love and light had consistently peeked through the darkness of their family’s grief and pain.

    Trusting God’s plan when we’re hurting

    There are times in our lives when we’re reminded of just how much we need God. That’s what Amanda experienced when her daughter Chloe was born prematurely, and it’s what Erin and Jason faced even as Jason slipped into a coma. Hear how God brings healing and peace to broken hearts.

    Getting Cancer in My 20s

    The most difficult decision I’ve had to make was in late 2014, when I found out I had stage four breast cancer. It all started when I felt a lump and the doctor recommended that I undergo some pathology tests.

    The Praying Patient

    The obituary for Alan Nanninga, a man in my city, identified him as “foremost, a dedicated witness for Christ.” After a description of his family life and career, the article mentioned nearly a decade of declining health. It concluded by saying, “His hospital stays . . . earned him the honorary title of ‘The Praying Patient’” because of his ministry to other patients. Here was a man who, in his times of distress, reached out to pray for and with the people in need around him.

    Hours before Judas betrayed Him, Jesus prayed for His disciples. “I will remain in the…

    When life comes to a standstill

    When the diagnosis comes so hard and fast that you can hardly breathe, where do you turn? Hear how the power of a loving God and the ongoing support of His people helped Vivian battle cancer. It’s a journey no one should take alone. We need God. We need friends. Find strength to endure no […]

    How fear can make prisoners of us all

    Karen Swanson, the Director of the Institute for Prison Ministries at the Billy Graham Center for Evangelism at Wheaton College, knows about hardship. She’s seen it produce fear in those she works with, and she’s experienced it in her personal life. Today on “Discover the Word,” we will talk with Karen about how fear can make prisoners of us all. Join us for day six of the study called, “We’re All Prisoners, Until Christ Sets Us Free,” today on “Discover the Word”!

    A Life Rewritten

    Fourteen-year-old Marissa loved riding horses and playing competitive soccer. But when
    a quick visit to her doctor revealed a life-threatening disease, her family’s world was
    turned upside down. Discover how a medically unprecedented gift would give life to this
    young woman struggling to survive. It’s a steadfast kind of faith that works through love.
    Learn how that same faith can transform your own life.

    Will my faith sustain me?

    For Karen and Mark, sharing a hospital room on their second wedding anniversary was not how they envisioned they would celebrate this special day. The recurrence of her husband’s cancer and the discovery that she had leukemia would test her beliefs to the core, leading her to ask, “Is my faith real? Will it sustain me through this painful journey?” Discover the power of God to bring peace even in the midst of hardship and heartache.

    Grace for Troubled Minds: Christian Perspectives on Mental Health

    In this webinar we will explore some of the unique challenges that Christian families face when trying to help a family member who struggles with some form of mental illness.

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