Our Daily Bread Ministries


  • Topic > When Life Hurts > Anxiety & Depression > Guilt >

    The Ministry of Memory

    Our experiences of loss and disappointment may leave us feeling angry, guilty, and confused. Whether our choices have closed some doors that will never reopen or, through no fault of our own, tragedy has invaded our lives, the result is often what Oswald Chambers called “the unfathomable sadness of ‘the might have been.’” We may try to suppress the painful memory, but discover we can’t. 

    Chambers reminds us that the Lord is still active in our lives. “Never be afraid when God brings back the past,” he said. “Let memory have its way. It is a minister of God with its…

    Trading guilt and shame for rescue and relief

    Have you ever practiced “self-protection,”  where you hide your failures and try to control how people perceive you? Today on Discover the Word,  the group talks about how King David’s attempt to hide his sins put him in a precarious place with God. That is, until he confessed and was able to trade his songs […]

    Embracing the pain

    Has a broken relationship left a hole in your heart? Perhaps a recent hurt has crushed your defenses. Today on Discover the Word, we explain how embracing the pain can open us up to more of God’s love and healing. Don’t miss this encouraging discussion today on Discover the Word!

    How shame can be its own prison

    When a prisoner from a disadvantaged upbringing is released, families often throw a “get out of jail” party. However that’s not usually true for inmates from middle or upper class homes. Their return to society is usually shrouded in secrecy. Today on “Discover the Word,” our guest Karen Swanson and the team discuss how shame can be a prison whether we’ve ever been in jail or not. That’s today at on “Discover the Word”!

    How did Paul break free from the cycle of sin

    Addiction puts people behind bars, both literally and figuratively. And we can become enslaved to a variety of things like drugs, gossip, TV, shopping, or a critical spirit! Today on “Discover the Word,” we discuss with our guest Karen Swanson the apostle Paul’s dilemma—one he expressed so honestly—“for what I want to do, I don’t do . . . but what I hate, I do!” How did Paul break free from that cycle of sin? And how can we? Tune in today to “Discover the Word”!

    It’s not where you are, but who you are

    It’s possible to be behind bars, but still experience freedom. And it’s also possible to not be an inmate at a prison, yet still be enslaved by sin. It’s not where you are but who you are. Today on “Discover the Word,” the group, and special guest Karen Swanson, talks about how pride can hold us in a prison of our own making while humility can set us free. Join the group today on “Discover the Word”!

    Perpetrators and victims of sin

    While victims of crime can struggle with anger and bitterness, the criminal can wrestle with the shame and the guilt of what they’ve done. And both end up being imprisoned by the things they battle. Today on “Discover the Word,” the group, and special guest Karen Swanson, talks about how we’re both perpetrators of sin and victims of sin, making us all prisoners, until Christ sets us free. Join the study today on “Discover the Word”!

    Love can overcome our guilt and shame

    When Christina became pregnant outside of marriage, she was surprised by her parents’ support. Still, shame consumed her until she experienced God’s forgiveness. When Sally embarked on a journey of self-discovery and got pregnant, she found herself alone and frightened until she found her true identity in Christ. Learn how God can turn the toughest situations around for good.

    Christ’s love conquers guilt and shame –Michelle’s Story

    Can you imagine asking God, “What do You want me to do? I’m open to Your will!” That was Michelle’s prayer. So when a friend first showed her a video on human trafficking, Michelle’s heart cried out in immediate response. Discover how this wife and mother chose to take action and make a life-changing difference…

    Finally, the freedom to talk about this–Lance & Shirley’s Story

    There are decisions we make in life that have a much different outcome than what we were expecting. Lance and Shirley made a choice many years ago that left them longing to break through the quiet agony of abortion. Learn how one couple found hope and healing through God’s mercy and grace. Find out more...

    When We Don’t Measure Up: Escaping The Grip Of Guilt

    A life filled with guilt over not measuring up to others’ expectations can drain you spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Find hope and a way of escape from your feelings of guilt, as counselor Jeff Olson shares insight from Scripture to help you understand your true identity in Christ. Discover how you can experience freedom from the exhausting grip of guilt when you live by God’s standards and not the opinions of others.

    A Clear Conscience

    After Ffyona Campbell became famous as the first woman to walk around the world, her joy was short-lived. Despite the adulation she received, something troubled her. Guilt overtook her and pushed her to the brink of a nervous breakdown.

    What was bothering her? “I shouldn’t be remembered as the first woman to walk around the world,” she finally admitted. “I cheated.”

    The Forgiveness Of God

    Without the assurance of forgiveness, feelings of guilt and regret can weigh you down. In this booklet, Mart De Haan helps you discover how God’s forgiveness can lift the burden of guilt and shame to give you freedom and peace to move forward in life. Gain a better understanding of God’s love and mercy, as you explore the elements of His forgiveness.

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