Our Daily Bread Ministries


  • Topic > When Life Hurts > Abuse > Spiritual Abuse >

    The Danger of False Teachers: Insights from Jude

    The words of some spiritual teachers can be very persuasive, yet something in the shadows of their message sounds an alarm. In this verse-by-verse study of Jude, author Bill Crowder examines the characteristics and methods of false teachers of all generations. Find out how you can identify wrong thinking and protect yourself and others from spiritual danger.

    When Love Hurts: Understanding and Healing Domestic Abuse, When the Bible Is Used To Abuse, Part II

    When a bride takes her vows, she doesn’t expect violence to mark her marriage. But sadly, for some that is the case. It’s probable that you know someone who is the victim of verbal or physical abuse: a neighbor, a daughter, a sister, or a friend. This powerful 4-part series pulls back the curtain on the dark secret of abuse and offers hope and help to those caught in its painful cycle.

    Runtime: 26 minutes

    How To Identify A Dangerous Religious Group

    Many groups have masked their identity behind religion, offering a spiritual solution to attract those who are searching for answers in life. Author Mart De Haan shares wisdom from Scripture and insights from the experiences of someone who walked the descending staircase of a dangerous religious

    How the church can support those dealing with abuse in the home

    We live in a fallen world. And Christian homes aren’t immune to abuse and suffering. Let's wrestle with the difficult subject of domestic abuse and how the church can help those dealing with it.

    Dangerous Faith: A Journey Through Deception

    Robert Newhouse heard about God growing up in church but didn’t know how to touch Him. So Robert gathered his backpack and set off on a quest to find the meaning of life, asking everyone he met the same question, “Do you believe in God?” Hear Robert’s story and find out what he discovered in his quest for God.

    Toxic Look-Alikes

    Our yard makes poison ivy happy. I learned this the hard way. Even though I was being careful, I came in contact with the plant and ended up with a nasty, itchy rash.

    Poison ivy looks like many harmless plants, and it keeps company with some beautiful ones.

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