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    God’s love never fails

    Domestic abuse occurs in homes across the world, including the homes of people who profess to follow Christ. Sharon’s season of terror began on her honeymoon, while Marie’s started while she was dating her boyfriend. These two women were held captive by fear but still held on to hope, pleading that God would provide a […]

    A love that restores

    Isaiah chapter 61 promises that the Lord will provide comfort for those who mourn and restore broken lives with “a crown of beauty instead of ashes.” Both Beckie and Barbara Jean’s hearts had been deeply wounded by abuse and shame. Discover how their lives were transformed through Jesus Christ and how they found healing and […]

    Reconciling sexual abuse to a good God–KC’s Story

    For 15 years, KC was married to a Christian man whom she thought she knew. Then she discovered that her husband had been abusing their children. That’s when KC’s perfect world came crashing in. KC tells her story, a story of heartbreak, but ultimately of redemption. Discover how God can turn ashes into beauty. We […]

    Liberation from abuse by an all-powerful God–Marie’s Story

    If you, or a loved one, have suffered from an abusive relationship, you know the self-doubt it brings. Physical, verbal, and emotional abuse had affected Marie’s self-esteem so much, she actually believed she deserved it. Discover how God liberated Marie’s heart and gave her a new identity in Jesus Christ.

    “I was tired of living like this!”– Janet’s Story

    Janet knew of God’s love but it seemed far away as her circumstances overwhelmed her. The search for something or someone who could offer love and consistency began at an early age and followed her into adulthood. The meaning, purpose, and hope she’d been looking for was finally found at a time and in a…

    Moving beyond rebellion and into the arms of Christ–Howie’s Story

    The Bible tells us there’s nowhere on earth we can escape the love of God. Discover how the grace of Jesus penetrated the walls of a prison . . . and saved one man with a violent past. Find out more of what the Bible says about “Why in the World Am I Here?” We…

    God’s Protection of Women

    Physical, emotional, and verbal abuse can do to a marriage what murder or rape does to a life. In this booklet, author Herb Vander Lugt shares insight from Scripture to reveal God’s compassion for and protection of women who are involved in abusive marriage relationships. You’ll discover that Moses, Jesus, and Paul all recognized that some marital conditions are worse than divorce.

    When Love Hurts: Understanding and Healing Domestic Abuse, When Apologies are Dangerous, Part III

    When a bride takes her vows, she doesn’t expect violence to mark her marriage. But sadly, for some that is the case. It’s probable that you know someone who is the victim of verbal or physical abuse: a neighbor, a daughter, a sister, or a friend. This powerful 4-part series pulls back the curtain on the dark secret of abuse and offers hope and help to those caught in its painful cycle.

    Runtime: 26 minutes

    Leaving a lasting impression–James’ Story

    While most children reflect the patterns they see in their parents, Jim was determined to live differently. His resolve failed him as he got older. Discover how Jim found hope and the strength to change when he learned to rely on Jesus. An encouraging reminder of the transforming power of grace.

    A heavenly Father for the fatherless–Michael & Rachel's Story

    No matter what mistakes or poor choices you’ve made, you’ll never be out of God’s reach! Find encouragement as you discover how God changed Michael’s life forever in this powerful story of redemption.

    God can soothe and heal the devastating scars of child abuse–Angela’s Story

    No one likes to think about the horrors of child abuse. It’s hard to imagine something so ugly and tragic happens every day in the world. For Angela, this personal violation was a painful reality during her childhood. You’ll find encouragement in this sensitive edition of Words To Live By through Angela’s powerful story of how God healed her hidden wounds.

    Overcoming the scars of abuse – Deborah’s Story

    Behind closed doors of Christian homes across the world are husbands and wives who are hiding the awful secret shame of domestic abuse. Perhaps you or someone you know is struggling to overcome the scars of abuse in your life. Discover how God provided healing for Deborah and find hope for whatever trial you may be facing.

    Discovering the love of God – John’s Story

    Perhaps you’ve wondered if there’s a way to overcome your past. After a childhood full of turmoil and abuse, John didn’t know any other way to live. Don’t miss this inspirational story of how God changed John from the inside out.

    The powerful influence of unexpected kindness – Greg’s Story

    As a child, Greg was forced to escape from his stepfather’s abuse. But the unexpected kindness of strangers would help heal an eleven-year-old’s wounded heart. Learn how the compassion found at the Salvation Army changed Greg’s life forever. It not only led him to Christ, but to a lifelong commitment of reaching out to others.

    Is it truly possible to heal from the scars of abuse?–Kay’s Story

    When someone has wounded you deeply, it may not be easy to extend forgiveness and allow healing to begin. Kay shares her story of reconciliation with a childhood abuser, and how we can find the strength to forgive from the power of God’s Word.

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