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    Fishing for people

    Ask anyone who’s caught a lot of fish, and they’ll tell you that the key to their success is patience. And today on Discover the Word, the team delves deeper into this secret to becoming better at “fishing for people.” It’s part of the series titled “Fishing Tips.” Join us for the exciting conclusion and […]

    Drawing on the Grace of God— Now

    We . . . plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain —2 Corinthians 6:1

    The grace you had yesterday will not be sufficient for today. Grace is the overflowing favor of God, and you can always count on it …

    Taking Possession of Our Own Soul

    When a person is born again, there is a period of time when he does not have the same vitality in his thinking or reasoning that he previously had. We must learn to express this new life within us, which comes by forming the mind of Christ (see Philippians 2:5). Luke 21:19 means that we take possession of our souls through patience. But many of us prefer to stay at the entrance to the Christian life, instead of going on to create and build our soul in accordance with the new life God has placed within us. We fail because we are ignorant of the way God has made us, and we blame things on the devil that are actually the result of our own undisciplined natures.

    The Patience To Wait for the Vision

    Patience is not the same as indifference; patience conveys the idea of someone who is tremendously strong and able to withstand all assaults. Having the vision of God is the source of patience because it gives us God’s true and proper inspiration. Moses endured, not because of his devotion to his principles of what was right, nor because of his sense of duty to God, but because he had a vision of God. “. . . he endured as seeing Him who is invisible” (Hebrews 11:27). A person who has the vision of God is not devoted to a cause or to any particular issue— he is devoted to God Himself.

    The Discipline of Hearing

    Sometimes God puts us through the experience and discipline of darkness to teach us to hear and obey Him. Song birds are taught to sing in the dark, and God puts us into “the shadow of His hand” until we learn to hear Him (Isaiah 49:2). “Whatever I tell you in the dark. . .”— pay attention when God puts you into darkness, and keep your mouth closed while you are there. Are you in the dark right now in your circumstances, or in your life with God? If so, then remain quiet. If you open your mouth in the dark, you will speak while in the wrong mood— darkness is the time to listen.

    God often answers our prayers in unexpected ways

    Have you ever heard someone say, “Expect the unexpected”? Well, that’s one of the messages of the book of Habakkuk and it’s our subject today on Discover the Word. We’re learning that God often answers our prayers in unexpected ways! Be prepared to be surprised today on Discover the Word!

    What do you do when God is not answering your prayer?

    We all respond differently to stress. Some exercise or clean the house,  while others crash on the sofa and get lost in sports or a movie. What do you do when you’re stressed and waiting to hear from God? We’ll see what Habakkuk did, today on Discover the Word, as the team continues our discussion […]

    A memorable image to help you keep praying

    When we’re expecting to hear from someone, it’s easy to get anxious, checking our email continually or glancing at our phone to see if they’ve texted or called. We expect them to answer soon, and we don’t want to miss it. Today on Discover the Word, the team will discuss how prayer can be like […]

    When God says “wait”

    The Internet has given us an appetite for immediacy! So, what do we do when God seems to say, “Wait”? Today on Discover the Word,  we continue a study in the book of Habakkuk, looking into a period in Israel’s history when prayer didn’t seem to make much difference. Listen today to Discover the Word!

    When God seems silent

    We know that prayer is a conversation but what do we do when God seems silent and it seems like we’re doing all the talking? The Bible tells us to wait on the Lord. But for how long? Today on Discover the Word, we continue a study in the book of Habakkuk. “Major Prayers from […]

    Major prayers from a minor prophet

    Have you ever felt like your prayers are hitting the ceiling? Well, you’re not alone. Today on Discover the Word, we will talk about prayer from a part of the Bible you might not turn to very often. We’re learning from a minor prophet how to develop major prayers. “Major Prayers from a Minor Prophet” begins […]

    The Lost Virtue

    There’s a big, green button at the paint counter of my local hardware store. When you press it, an assistant is supposed to serve you within 60 seconds. If they’re late, you get a discount on your paint.

    Powerful Patience

    A few years ago, I drove to the Grand Canyon in the US. As we marveled at the natural beauty before us, we had to strain our eyes to see the little ribbon of water winding its way through the bottom of the massive canyon, one of the tributaries of the Colorado River. It was that tributary, some believe, that helped to patiently carve and make manifest the immense and majestic marvel we now viewed—the likes of which no human has ever been able to create!

    Can’t Take It Back

    I couldn’t take my actions back. A woman had parked her car and blocked my way of getting to the gas pump. She hopped out to drop off some recycling items, and I didn’t feel like waiting, so I honked my horn at her. Irritated, I put my car in reverse and drove around another way. I immediately felt bad about being impatient and unwilling to wait 30 seconds (at the most) for her to move. I apologized to God. Yes, she should have parked in the designated area, but I could have spread kindness and patience instead of harshness.…

    He Knows If You’ve been Knotty or Nice

    “It can’t be done,” my friend said matter-of-factly. We were in the process of decorating our very own “Christmas tree”—made up of stacked Starbucks paper cups—and wanted to wrap glittery garlands around it.

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