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    A Clam & A Gray-Haired Man

    Ming lived for more than 500 years before her demise in 2006. The quahog (large clam) had been nestled near Iceland when researchers plucked her from the ocean floor. After prying the creature open—ending her existence—they initially thought she was a record-breaking 402 years old. But further research revealed that she began life in 1499 and made it to the ripe old age of 507! Fortunately, scientists learned much from Ming, including data on changing sea temperatures over the last half-millennium.


    Kids love to imitate. That’s how they learn. And just as we pass down our wisdom, skills, or hobbies to our children, God asks us to follow His example. There’s no better way to learn how to love life and live life than from the One who created us.

    Disconnected, Part II

    This program will be available to view Friday, August 30, 2014.


    Today’s generation of teens still want to know that adults believe in them, so they can believe in themselves. In this thought-provoking and engaging presentation three prominent youth leaders and a psychiatrist offer insights to help you build strong, …

    Not Saying Goodbye

    Francis Allen led me to Jesus, and now it was nearly time for Francis to meet Jesus face to face. I was at his home as it grew time for him to say goodbye. I wanted to say something memorable and meaningful.

    For nearly an hour I stood by his bed. He laughed hard at the stories I told on myself. Then he got tired, we got serious, and he spent his energy rounding off some rough edges he still saw in my life. I listened, even as I tried to sort out how to say goodbye.

    He stopped me before I…

    Disconnected, Part I

    Drawing from research and sharing wisdom from the Word, foremost youth leaders and a psychiatrist offer insights into building authentic connections with virtually connected teens.

    How did Paul overcome feelings of hurt and abandonment?

    Have you ever felt abandoned by someone you cared about? It can be difficult recovering from that type of pain and disappointment. Join us today for an encouraging conversation on “Discover the Word.”

    Discover Paul’s surprising last words!

    What would you expect the final words of the apostle Paul to be? A rousing sermon? Maybe an inspiring reflection? Join us today as we take a look at Paul’s final letter to his protege, Timothy.

    Our Life Is A Primer

    The New England Primer was published in the late 1600s. Throughout the colonies that would later become the United States, the book became a widely used resource.

    Disconnected, Part I

    Today’s generation of teens still want to know that adults believe in them, so they can believe in themselves. In this thought-provoking and engaging presentation three prominent youth leaders and a psychiatrist offer insights to help you build strong, authentic relationships, based on affirmation, encouragement, compassion, and guidance. A must-see …

    Faith at Work

    Many believers long to find ways to better integrate their faith and work. Some feel as though they are in a second-class role because they were not called into full-time Christian ministry. Some struggle with identifying their purpose, calling, and giftedness; having no role model; knowing how to integrate faith and work; and knowing how to share and defend faith in the workplace. As a result, these believers are frustrated and can fall short of fully integrating their faith with their work.

    If this has been your experience, get ready to be encouraged. These five lessons will help you reflect on…

    not too young

    Recent research has revealed what teenagers truly desire from the adults in their lives. The Search Institute study found that teens want parents and other older influencers to do the following: 1. Look at us. 2. Spend time talking with us. 3. Listen. 4. Be dependable. 5. Show appreciation for what we do. 6. Relax. 7. Show that you’re interested. 8. Laugh with us (and at yourself). 9. Ask us to help you. 10. Challenge us.

    Make It Personal

    During my days as a teacher and coach at a Christian high school, I thoroughly enjoyed interacting with teenagers, trying to guide them to a purposeful, Christlike life—characterized by love for God and love for others. My goal was to prepare them to live for God throughout life. That would happen only as they made their faith a vital part of life through the help of the Holy Spirit. Those who didn’t follow Christ floundered after they left the influence of Christian teachers and parents.

    Letter To A Child

    Even at the end of his life, C. S. Lewis showed an interest in the spiritual nurture of younger believers. Although in ill health, he took time to respond to the letter of a child named Philip. Complimenting the boy’s fine written expression, Lewis said he was delighted that Philip understood that in the Narnia Chronicles the lion Aslan represented Jesus Christ. The next day, Lewis died at his home in the Kilns, Oxford, England, one week before his 65th birthday.

    Minister Mentor

    In 1959, when Lee Kuan Yew assumed the position of Prime Minister of Singapore, his leadership began a long process of national transformation. Initially, disagreements between ethnic groups and a weak economic base made the future of this tiny nation uncertain. By 1990, when Lee stepped down from his position, Singapore had become a model country for ethnic harmony and a thriving economy. After serving as Senior Minister, Lee became Minister Mentor in 2004. Since then he has been an invaluable resource to Singapore’s cabinet and to other leaders around the world.

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