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    If Not for Her, My Life Would Have Fallen Apart

    Whenever I recall the good things Christ has done for me, I always think of Maureen Ong, a godly woman God used to bring me into His presence.

    Gifts from God

    Police were sent to a home in response to a report of domestic child abuse. When they arrived at the house, they found a scared four-year-old girl with a black eye, swollen cheek, and bruises covering a majority of her tiny frame. The officers were devastated when they asked her to say her name and she meekly replied, “Idiot.”

    “Mentor for Life”

    You may have heard the phrase “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” So, how might that idea impact the body of Christ? Well, today on Discover the Word, the answer might surprise you as we, along with special guest Natasha Sistrunk Robinson, conclude the challenging, but inspiring series titled . . […]

    Our walk of faith requires training

    No one wakes up one morning and decides to run a marathon that afternoon. It requires training. And so does our walk of faith! Today on Discover the Word, the team continues the series titled, “Mentor for Life.” They’re joined this week by author Natasha Sistrunk Robinson who brings a fascinating perspective to the subject of discipleship. […]

    Discipleship: a matter of both knowing and doing

    Sometimes, there can be a big difference between what people want and what they need. Today on Discover the Word, the team is joined by a special guest to discuss how discipleship is a matter of both knowing . . . and doing. Author Natasha Sistrunk Robinson joins the group to talk about mentoring for life. Listen […]

    Is there a difference between Christ-followers and the lost?

    Why does it sometimes seem like there’s no real difference between the lives of professing Christians and those who are lost in the world? Today, the Discover the Word group is joined by Natasha Sistrunk Robinson to discuss methods of evangelism that lead people to true spiritual maturity. Discipleship is part of the deal! Don’t […]

    How do we live out Jesus’s Great Commission?

    How do we live out Jesus’s Great Commission? Today on Discover the Word, the team will sit down with special guest and Marine Corps officer Natasha Sistrunk Robinson to kick off a brand new series titled, “Mentor for Life.” We’ll see how mentorship is deeply tied to discipleship. Listen today to Discover the Word!

    God, Elisha, and miracles

    Miracles can be weird! Flaming chariots, healing leprosy, by their very definition, miracles aren’t things that happen every day! So how do we understand the many miracles God performed through the life of the Old Testament prophet Elisha? Today on Discover the Word, we continue the series on “The Miraculous Life of Elisha.” Tune in today […]

    After Being Told I was Promoted . . . I Quit

    If the interviewers knew the type of student I was in school, they would probably have rejected my application right away. I was hyperactive, restless, and even “overly dramatic”—according to one teacher’s description in my report card.

    Next Gen

    In 1993, Bill and Susie Mosca founded an essay contest. The winner received the couple’s bed and breakfast facility. Janice Sage’s entry took first place and she acquired the Center Lovell Inn and Restaurant. After 22 years of hosting guests, maintaining buildings, and managing finances, Janice wanted to retire. Because, as she said, “There are a lot of talented people that . . . . just can’t go out and buy an inn like this,” she also decided to give it away to a worthy person through an essay contest.

    Discover how Elisha fills the shoes of his mentor

    Today on “Discover the Word,” we will uncover another “Left Behind” story in the Bible. When the prophet Elijah was taken to heaven, caught up in a whirlwind, he left a very distressed Elisha. Elijah was his mentor, his friend, and his father in the faith. How could Elisha fill those shoes? Be part of the conversation today on “Discover the Word”!

    Old Testament prophets reveal God’s character

    Today on “Discover the Word,” we’ll discuss how Old Testament prophets Elijah and Elisha both represent God’s nature. Elijah shows Him more as a God of judgment, while Elisha shows more of God’s merciful side. And flashing forward, we can also see both of them in Jesus, who would come to save people from the judgment they brought on themselves.

    Elisha, revealing the kinder, gentler side of God

    Many husbands refer to their wives as their “better half.” And Elisha the prophet could have been called that too. Today on “Discover the Word,” we’ll discuss that although Elisha was a servant to his mentor, Elijah, he would do twice as many miracles, ones that revealed a “kinder and gentler” side of God. “The Miraculous Life of Elisha” continues today on “Discover the Word”!

    Growing Faith: Talking with Millennials about God - Group Discussion

    Explore some of the challenges that Christians face when having conversations about faith with Millennials and learn how to encourage those exploring faith. Join us for this lively discussion with our guest, Lem Usita and a couple of Millennials.

    Growing Faith: Talking with Millennials about God

    Passing on faith to the next generation has been a biblical mandate from God to parents since the Garden of Eden. But the command to “make disciples” is a mandate for all Christians. How can Christians individually, and collectively as the church, share their faith with Millennials in a world that is increasingly indifferent, skeptical and even hostile towards faith?

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