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    When My Best Friend Told Me Off

    I remember the day vividly. I was sitting in my brother’s room, cooling off after an argument with my best friend.

    The Search for Meaning: Science & God

    Using debate-tested conclusions and simple illustrations, Science & God examines the tension between science and religion to clarify the issues.

    Less-than-perfect friends are also loved by God

    Today on Discover the Word, we are back in the book of Job as we close in on the end of the series called “Job and Jesus.” And they’re talking about Job’s, well, less-than-perfect friends. But even they were part of God’s plan, and they are greatly loved by God. Listen today on Discover the Word!

    Being a True Friend

    Poet Samuel Foss wrote, “Let me live by the side of the road and be a friend to man” (“The House by the Side of the Road”). That’s what I want to be—a friend of people. I want to stand by the way, waiting for weary travelers. To look for those who have been battered and wronged by others, who carry the burden of a wounded and disillusioned heart. To nourish and refresh them with an encouraging word and send them on their way. I may not be able to “fix” them or their problems, but I can leave them with…

    Our Best Friend

    When I was twelve years old our family moved to a town in the desert. After gym classes in the hot air at my new school, we rushed for the drinking fountain. Being skinny and young for my grade, I sometimes got pushed out of the way while waiting in line. One day my friend Jose, who was big and strong for his age, saw this happening. He stepped in and stuck out a strong arm to clear my way. “Hey!” he exclaimed, “You let Banks get a drink first!” I never had trouble at the drinking fountain again.

    Jesus understood…

    Lifting the Lonely

    I’m lonely,” wrote Augusten Burroughs in one of his edgy memoirs. “And I’m lonely in some horribly deep way and for a flash of an instant, I can see just how lonely, and how deep this feeling runs.” I’ve seen Burroughs’ quote shared multiple times on social media. Clearly, he’s expressed a feeling many of us share.

    Bringing your friends to Jesus

    How do we bring our friends to Christ? Today on Discover the Word, we will open up Mark chapter 2 to talk about how we can bring our friends to Jesus, and then trust that He’ll do what’s best for them. It’s from the series titled, “Bring It to Jesus.” Listen today on Discover the Word!

    Something’s Wrong

    The morning after our son, Allen, was born, the doctor sat down in a chair near the foot of my bed and said, “Something’s wrong.” Our son, so perfect on the outside, had a life-threatening birth defect and needed to be flown to a hospital 700 miles away for immediate surgery.

             When the doctor tells you something is wrong with your child, your life changes. Fear of what lies ahead can crush your spirit and you stumble along, desperate for a God who will strengthen you so you can support your child.

             Would a loving God allow this? you wonder.…

    Embracing conflict in a godly way

    No one likes conflict, but running from conflict can be as unhealthy and dangerous as stirring it up! Today on Discover the Word, the group encourages us to embrace conflict in a godly way. The discussion’s centered in the little New Testament letter to Philemon. But don’t let the size of this letter fool you, […]

    Praying for others

    When a serious need comes up at home or around the world, have you ever felt powerless to do anything about it? Well, there’s One who can intervene in any circumstance! And today on Discover the Word, we return to Paul’s letter to Philemon to see what he says about praying for others. How much […]

    “Plea from a Friend”

    Today on Discover the Word, we will kick off the second week of their conversation about the apostle Paul’s fascinating first-century letter to his friend Philemon. It’s a fairly short letter with a big message. This week’s discussions focus on a “Plea from a Friend,” so be part of the group on Discover the Word!

    To the Man Who Takes My Place

    I knew from the moment my question went unanswered. Up until that point, what I had to say always got her rapt attention above anybody else’s (you know, besides Jesus). For the past nine years, we’ve been inseparable.

    The Devotion of Hearing

    Just because I have listened carefully and intently to one thing from God does not mean that I will listen to everything He says. I show God my lack of love and respect for Him by the insensitivity of my heart and mind toward what He says. If I love my friend, I will instinctively understand what he wants. And Jesus said, “You are My friends . . .” (John 15:14). Have I disobeyed some command of my Lord’s this week? If I had realized that it was a command of Jesus, I would not have deliberately disobeyed it. But most of us show incredible disrespect to God because we don’t even hear Him. He might as well never have spoken to us.

    The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

    A dear friend of mine sent me a text message that said, “I’m so glad we can tell each other the good, the bad, and the ugly!” We have been friends for many years, and we have learned to share our joys and our failures. We recognize we are far from perfect, so we share our struggles but we also rejoice in each other’s successes.

    David and Jonathan had a solid friendship too, beginning with the good days of David’s victory over Goliath (1 Sam. 18:1–4). They shared their fears during the bad days of Saul’s jealousy (18:6–11; 20:1–2). Finally, they…

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