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    2 Tips to Date in A Loving Way

    When it comes to interacting with members of the opposite sex, it’s likely that such questions would’ve crossed our minds before.

    7 Ways to Navigate the World of Casual Dating

    I used to be averse to the idea of casual dating. First of all, it just sounded so messy and uncomfortable. (Make small talk for an hour with someone I barely know? No thanks.) Second, it seemed worldly.

    Should I Download A Dating App?

    I still remember the day my best friend and I were hanging out, complaining about dating and boys and life in general, when we decided we were going to do it: download a dating app.

    I Kissed Dating a Non-Christian Goodbye

    “I don’t understand why we can break up over something that I cannot understand . . . I cannot believe you chose your God over me!” Those were his final words to me.

    My Heart-breaking Relationship with A Non-Christian

    On the last day of 2016, I stopped replying to his emails. Our relationship was over. It all started in August 2015, when my family members introduced me to Alex*.

    When (Not) to Follow Your Feelings

    As Christians striving to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, we will encounter instances that require us to battle our flesh. It could be moments where we have to deliberately choose to act against our emotions

    To the Man Who Takes My Place

    I knew from the moment my question went unanswered. Up until that point, what I had to say always got her rapt attention above anybody else’s (you know, besides Jesus). For the past nine years, we’ve been inseparable.

    When My Parents Didn’t Like My Date

    With my Facebook newsfeed dominated by status updates of engagements, weddings, and babies, I thought it was best I got my act together or risk growing old alone.

    The Day My Boyfriend and I Fought

    I was so mad at my boyfriend―let’s call him “T”.

    God’s Will Isn’t Found in Books

    As Christians, we are known for believing that we are to follow what the Bible tells us to do. Sometimes, this gives others the impression that we serve a God who has an unending list of commands that we need to follow.

    How a Message on a T-Shirt Convinced Me to Break Up

    Like many other girls, I have wished for a boyfriend since primary school. However, because I was a shy bookworm, I only ever played the part of secret admirer. Then one day in high school, another student asked me out.

    When God Wasn’t My First Love

    It was during the time I was in university life, that I gave in to my own desires. Ben (not real name) and I had been good friends for three years when, in our final year, our friendship got a little more complicated.

    Why Did We Break Up?

    My boyfriend and I had marriage in mind when we first started dating. Hence, the possibility of us breaking up one day never crossed my mind.

    Is It Possible to Resist Sex in this Day and Age?

    I’m a real prude when it comes to sex, and my belief hasn’t come without costs. Friends and acquaintances have been known to give me strange looks when they learn about it.

    All Alone on Valentine’s Day

    Valentine’s Day may be the season of love and romance for many, but for some of us, it brings pain. It could be a reminder of love lost through a recent break-up or rejection, or the loss of a loved one.

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