Our Daily Bread Ministries


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    Someone to Trust

    “I just can’t trust anyone,” my friend said through tears. “Every time I do, they hurt me.”  Her story angered me—an ex-boyfriend, whom she really thought she could trust, had started spreading rumors about her as soon as they broke up.  Struggling to trust again after a pain-filled childhood, this betrayal seemed just one more confirmation that people could not be trusted.

    I struggled to find words that would comfort. One thing I could not say was that she was wrong about how hard it is to find someone to fully trust, that most people are completely kind and trustworthy. Her…

    When a child goes completely against your beliefs

    How would you cope if your children made a choice in their faith, lifestyle, or politics that totally went against your beliefs? Today on Discover the Word, author Patricia Raybon shares the challenges she faced when her daughter converted to Islam, leaving her shocked and perplexed, questioning her worthiness as a parent and as a […]

    “I’ve been unfaithful” – Forgiving infidelity

    Even good marriages are not immune from adultery. Like a thief in the night, it can steal,
    kill, and destroy. The reality is that most couples don’t survive an adulterous affair. But
    some, like Gary and Mona, do. Find out how a decision to stay and a commitment to be
    honest with God and each other allowed this marriage to survive infidelity.

    When God Wasn’t My First Love

    It was during the time I was in university life, that I gave in to my own desires. Ben (not real name) and I had been good friends for three years when, in our final year, our friendship got a little more complicated.

    Brutal Betrayal

    In October of 2014, Italian authorities arrested a woman for the murder of as many as 38 victims. Most shocking was the revelation that she was the victims’ nurse. Police first charged the woman with the murder of a 78-year-old hospital patient. Later, however, they suspected her involvement in a string of suspicious deaths. News outlets posted a disturbing pic seized by police: a selfie the nurse took of herself (in her hospital scrubs) standing near the body of a recently deceased patient while smiling and making a thumbs-up gesture.

    Discover the backstory to Psalm 55

    The Psalms express feelings of joy and pain we’ve all experienced. That may be why they’re loved by so many people. Join us on “Discover the Word” today as we dive into Psalm 55, a song about the agony of betrayal.

    Are you trying to run the other way?

    Faced with growing stress and mounting troubles, a typical response is to try and run the other way. Today we’ll take a closer look at Psalm 55, which describes David’s wish to escape his problems. Is that where you are?

    How did Paul overcome feelings of hurt and abandonment?

    Have you ever felt abandoned by someone you cared about? It can be difficult recovering from that type of pain and disappointment. Join us today for an encouraging conversation on “Discover the Word.”

    How to respond to people who disappoint us

    Often, the reason bitterness has taken root in our heart is because someone we trusted planted it there. Join us today as we take a look at Paul’s letter to Timothy and discover how to stop disappointment from becoming resentment.

    How to relate to people as individuals

    No two people are exactly alike. And yet, we often deal with people as though everyone is the same. Listen in today as we continue studying Paul’s final letter and his instructions on relating to people as individuals.

    Paul uses surprisingly harsh words

    In his previous letter, Paul chose to use words like “love,” “hope,” and “peace.” But in his final letter, the apostle closed with some pretty shocking terms! On “Discover the Word” today, we’ll have an honest discussion about people who disappoint us, as we unpack Paul’s harsh words for a former friend.

    Will you also betray me?

    He was one of the Twelve. He walked and talked with Jesus, heard the sermons He preached, and witnessed the miracle He performed. This man was part of the group who cast out demons and worked miracles; he was doing the same ministry work that Jesus’ other disciples did. But after 3 years of walking […]

    Living in The Wilderness of Life

    For thousands of years, the wilderness of Israel has been windswept, barren, and life threatening; a place of reflection, testing, and survival. And for just as long it has been a picture of our own desert places of loneliness, betrayal, and disease.

    Author and musician Michael Card joins Mart DeHaan for a thoughtful walk through this land of the Bible. Together they reflect on the rugged times and “wilderness” places of our own lives. “Living in the Wilderness of Life” on this Day of Discovery.

    Approximate running time: 26 minutes

    Finding truth following a life of deception–Betty and Scott’s story

    Financial stability isn’t handed to us free and clear. It’s a lot of work! When Betty and Scott came to terms with mishandling their finances, they found freedom from the debt trap by trusting God!

    What Do You Do With A Broken Relationship?

    How can you restore what has been torn apart by pain and suffering? In this booklet, you’ll find a plan of action modeled by God as author James Pittman examines the biblical process of reconciliation and restoration. Discover how you can rebuild, strengthen, and maintain relationships when you follow God’s example of love, humility, and forgiveness.

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