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    Surrendering to Love

    Can you win by surrendering? Discover how two broken marriages found healing when they surrendered everything to Christ. Hear Tim and Gretchen share their inspiring stories of reconciliation. Find encouragement and renewal for any marriage with the Day Of Discovery online video “Our Weekend to Remember: A Marriage Reborn.”    

    Confronting Marriage Struggles: Before and After

    “And they live happily ever after.” That’s what I gathered from the movies how marriage would be like. Two people unite and start their married life together.

    Reflections of Marriage

    Our pastor read this verse during a sermon: “It’s better to stay unmarried, just as I am” (1 Corinthians 7:8). Quite happily wed himself, he followed the reading by saying, “Marriage complicates things.” Seconds later, a masculine voice emitted a long exaggerated “Aaaaamen.” The congregation broke into laughter.

    Ways to Die for Your Spouse

    As a “new husband” trying to score brownie points with my wife (and also because I wanted to get our first Valentine’s Day together right), I had been thinking of ways to “die” for my wife (Ephesians 5:25).

    When My Spouse Couldn’t Read My Mind

    “People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.”

    Marriage Does Not Bring a Happy Ending

    I had a difficult conversation with a friend about her upcoming wedding not too long ago. Defending her love for her fiancée, she asserted, “He deserves a second chance. He deserves to be happy and have a happy ending.”

    The Day I Relooked My Marriage Vows

    They sit across from us at our dining room table, their fingers laced together. She plays with her engagement ring, excited to be talking about their big day and their upcoming plans. This young bride and her adoring groom.

    When the Honeymoon is Over

    Prince Philip, the husband of Queen Elizabeth II, who recently celebrated 70 years of marriage, once said, “If a man opens the car door for his wife, it’s either a new car or a new wife.” There’s a nugget of truth in this joke: novelty fades in marriage as much as anything else.

    Editor’s Picks: Top 3 Articles | Choices

    We are surrounded by a plethora of choices every single day. What to eat, what to wear, where to go, what to do, and how to do it.

    Where Love Flourishes

    She glanced at him with a tender smile and began reading the carefully crafted words held in her trembling hands. The vows revealed a deep love for the young man standing before her. Toward the end of her lyrical, beautiful expressions, she said, “I promise to love you under all circumstances, the good times and the hard times—whatever it may be—for the rest of my days.”

    The Time I Hurt My Husband Deeply

    My husband and I had a huge argument some nights ago. It was about my pride and unwillingness to see my own faults. He was so hurt that he went straight to bed after his shower.

    Shocking Honesty

    When the minister asked one of his elders to lead the congregation in prayer, the man shocked everyone. “I’m sorry, Pastor,” he said, “but I’ve been arguing with my wife all the way to church, and I’m in no condition to pray.” The next moment was awkward. The minister prayed. The service moved on. Later, the pastor vowed never to ask anyone to pray publicly without first asking privately.

    That man demonstrated astonishing honesty in a place where hypocrisy would have been easier. But there is a larger lesson about prayer here. God is a loving Father. If I as a…

    God wanted all of me

    Just nine days after what was supposed to be a routine surgery, Bryan was told that his young wife, Ami, a mother of three, wouldn’t live through the night. What happened next would change their lives forever – demonstrating the power of God to transform hearts and beat impossible odds! Discover the freedom that comes when […]

    “I’ve been unfaithful” – Forgiving infidelity

    Even good marriages are not immune from adultery. Like a thief in the night, it can steal,
    kill, and destroy. The reality is that most couples don’t survive an adulterous affair. But
    some, like Gary and Mona, do. Find out how a decision to stay and a commitment to be
    honest with God and each other allowed this marriage to survive infidelity.

    Beautiful Captivity

    I know a couple who share freely about a devastating time in their marriage. But the focus of their story isn’t the hurt or the wounds they inflicted. Instead, they talk about how God used that experience to reveal deep-seated issues that needed to be addressed and dealt with. As a result, they emerged from the painful pruning closer to each other and to Him. Amazingly, they’re grateful for it and the good that has come from it.

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