Our Daily Bread Ministries


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    When God says no

    Life doesn’t always go as planned. Most of the time we can adjust and simply roll with the punches. But how do we cope when our deepest dreams are crushed? Sheridan and Merryn tell their story of infertility, broken dreams, and God’s faithfulness through it all.

    Knowing God as our Father

    It wasn’t until they were in the wilderness that God revealed Himself to the Israelites as a “Father.” Find out why that’s significant as we continue our “Discover the Word” conversations called “Resurrection Year” with our friend, author Sheridan Voysey. Find out what we know God as our Father means to us in the midst of our own wilderness experiences when you join the discussion today on “Discover the Word”!

    When our identity gets stripped away

    Have you ever been asked to give up something you value for the good of someone else? Can you trust God in the midst of that loss that He will still provide for you? Today on “Discover the Word,” we continue our conversation with friend and author Sheridan Voysey. How do we deal with life when what has formed our identity gets stripped away? Join us for the challenging discussion today on “Discover the Word”!

    When your dreams don’t come true

    If only dreams came with warning labels saying, “Results may vary!” Then it might be easier to handle the disappointment when they don’t come true. Today on “Discover the Word,” we talk with our friend, author Sheridan Voysey, about what to do when the dreams for your life don’t turn out to have a Disney film ending. Will you still trust that God has your best interests at heart? Don’t miss the discussion today on “Discover the Word”!

    Enduring the wilderness experience

    Most of us have endured some kind of wilderness experience. And it’s in those times that what’s in our heart gets really tested. Today we welcome special guest, author Sheridan Voysey to the table to begin this week’s discussion called “Resurrection Year.” In difficult times, we may feel like “God has left the building,” especially when our “Why?” questions aren’t getting answered. Join the group today on “Discover the Word”!

    A Journey Through Broken Dreams

    Sheridan and Merryn Voysey understand the struggle of infertility and candidly share their broken dream and how they ultimately found peace.

    Silencing fears–Tiffany’s Story

    Many of us have experienced a sense of unfairness at some point in our lives. But when the intensity of those feelings causes you to doubt and question God where can you go for answers? Tiffany shares how God redeemed her from the depths of depression after the birth of her extremely premature baby. We […]

    Need a reminder that God hasn’t forgotten you?

    Remember Me! That was the heartfelt prayer of a woman who felt lost and completely forgotten by God. Discover how God answered Hannah’s prayer in a personal and loving way.

    silencing the barren womb

    Dear Sheridan,

    I know that you and your wife have never been able to have children. My husband and I haven’t been able to either, and we’ve tried almost everything to do so. The hardest thing I find is that the pain and the longing never seem to go away.

    In the midst of the chaos God can be trusted–Keith & Kim’s Story

    Children fill a family with warmth and joy. But for couples who can’t conceive, it may feel like there’s a gaping hole in the home. Keith and Kim share how God turned their struggle with infertility into a redemptive plan for their lives. Find hope when you’re at your wits’ end. We would like to…

    Join us for this special glimpse into the Christmas story!

    Luke 1 and 2
    Interview with Elizabeth
    HADDON: Elizabeth, thank you for joining us here at Discover the Word.
    ELIZABETH: I am honored to be here with you.
    HADDON: You have an amazing story—in fact, the story of a miracle. Tell us how it started.
    ELIZABETH: Well, as a young girl in my early teens I married an older man, Zacharias, who served as a priest in our temple here in Jerusalem. Of course I expected to have children with him—that was the hope and expectation of every young woman in Israel in my day. But it didn’t happen. Year after year after year Zacharias and I kept trying to have a baby—and year after year after year we were disappointed. If you haven’t gone through that yourself, I’m not sure you can know how crushing this was for us.

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