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    Love multiplied and magnified

    Love is strange! The more you give, the more you have! Tamera shares the story of growing their family through adoption. She and her son Daniel describe how God created a special bond of love through the “words to live by” they found in Scripture.

    A Personal Story

    A baby just hours old was left in a manger in a Christmas nativity outside a New York church. A young, desperate mother had wrapped him warmly and placed him where he would be discovered. If we are tempted to judge her, we can instead be thankful this baby will now have a chance in life.

    This gets personal for me. As an adopted child myself, I have no idea about the circumstances surrounding my birth. But I have never felt abandoned. Of this much I am certain: I have two moms who wanted me to have a chance in life.…

    Love and Adoption

    A good friend recently returned to her native country, Argentina, following several years of living abroad.

    Loved just the way I am

    How much does your environment affect your identity? Ned was adopted by a loving Christian family, but as he grew up, the difference in their races became an uncomfortable issue to others. Greg and his mother were forced to flee from his abusive stepfather, but found refuge amongst the kindness of strangers. Discover how God’s […]

    His chosen child

    Did you know that the Creator of the universe wants to adopt you to be His very own? Ephesians chapter one, verse five, says that God “predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ.” After being adopted at a young age by a loving family, it wasn’t hard for Judy to understand that truth. […]


    Pastor Adrian and his wife, Antoinette, had two biological sons and then adopted baby Rosie several years ago. For most of Adrian’s life, he has dealt with nose bleeds—an affliction his sons have inherited. One day, little Rosie ran into the house holding her nose and grinning from ear to ear as she said, “See, Daddy, my nose is bleeding—just like Mark and John!” For Rosie, a nosebleed was another way of identifying with her adopted family.

    Learning to hear the heart of God–Marion Stroud’s Story

    Marion cherished her free time, what little she had of it. As a wife, mother, and writer, it seemed she was always so busy! That’s why when the Lord laid it on her heart to give even more of herself by taking in two abandoned children, she hesitated. Marion shares how she learned that what […]

    Divine Adoption

    Adopting two boys from Russia opened Russell Moore’s eyes to the privilege of being a child of God. People would ask, “Are they really brothers?” “Have you met their real mom?” Moore simply replied, “Of course they’re brothers. They’re both in our family. And their real mom is my wife.”

    His Choice

    When our children were small, I often prayed with them after we tucked them into bed. But before I prayed, I sometimes would sit on the edge of the bed and talk with them. I remember telling our daughter Libby, “If I could line up all the 4-year-old girls in the world, I would walk down the line looking for you. After going through the entire line, I would choose you to be my daughter.” That always put a big smile on Libby’s face because she knew she was special.

    In the midst of the chaos God can be trusted–Keith & Kim’s Story

    Children fill a family with warmth and joy. But for couples who can’t conceive, it may feel like there’s a gaping hole in the home. Keith and Kim share how God turned their struggle with infertility into a redemptive plan for their lives. Find hope when you’re at your wits’ end. We would like to…


    My wife, Marlene, and I have been married for over 35 years. When we were first dating, we had a conversation I have never forgotten. She told me that at 6 months old she had been adopted. When I asked her if she ever wondered about who her real parents were, she responded, “My mom and dad could have selected any of a number of other babies that day, but they chose me. They adopted me. They are my real parents.”

    Did you know that the Creator of the universe wants to adopt you to be His very own?–Judy’s Story

    Ephesians chapter one, verse five, says that God “predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ.” After being adopted at a young age by a loving family, it wasn’t hard for Judy to understand that truth. Discover how you too can be a part of God’s family, no matter what your background holds.

    Each Life A Gift

    A young woman was pregnant but unmarried. And even though she lived in a society that didn’t place a high value on unborn life, she wisely chose to allow her baby to live.

    The child, whom she generously made available for adoption, became part of a loving Christian family who nurtured their precious daughter, loved her, and showed her the way to Christ.

    Abortion Survivor, Adoptee, Child of the Living God–Claire’s Story

    Many adopted children search for their birth parents later in life. The experience can bring healing and restoration. But Claire found more than reconnection with her mother, she discovered the shocking details of an abortion gone wrong. You’ll be inspired by Claire’s dramatic hope-filled story of God’s divine intervention.

    Unique Privileges

    In Forever Young: My Friendship with John F. Kennedy, Jr., Billy Noonan recalls the life experiences he shared with the son of President John Kennedy.

    In 1980, as one of the stories goes, John Jr. and Billy were invited aboard the USS John F. Kennedy aircraft carrier. On a guided tour of the ship, the two young men and their guide inadvertently entered a restricted area. When an officer stopped them, the guide pointed to John and said, “This is his father’s ship.” Snapping to attention, the officer saluted John. He explained his understanding that when a US Navy ship is named for someone, it is considered that person’s ship. Thus, as the son of the man for whom the ship was named, John Jr. had unique privileges.

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