Our Daily Bread Ministries


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    The Lord looks at the heart

    Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. And today on Discover the Word,  we unwrap this truth from the book of Genesis in the story of Leah. Tune in for a story of sibling rivalry, dysfunctional parenting, and the all-surpassing love of God. Listen today to Discover the Word!

    The secret of contentment

    It’s easy to feel satisfied when life is good. But when circumstances take a difficult turn, contentment can fly out the window! Today on Discover the Word, we explore the apostle Paul’s secret to contentment in every circumstance. A biblical look at satisfaction regardless of our situation today on Discover the Word!

    Learning to be content in who we are

    Are you feeling a bit restless? Do you feel a lack of personal satisfaction and purpose in your life? Well, today on Discover the Word, the team, along with special guest, Jeff Manion, will share the personal satisfaction we can have when we realize our true identity. We’re learning to be content in who we […]

    The Inevitable Penalty

    There is no heaven that has a little corner of hell in it. God is determined to make you pure, holy, and right, and He will not allow you to escape from the scrutiny of the Holy Spirit for even one moment. He urged you to come to judgment immediately when He convicted you, but you did not obey. Then the inevitable process began to work, bringing its inevitable penalty. Now you have been “thrown into prison, [and] . . . you will by no means get out of there till you have paid the last penny” (5:25-26).

    What if God Made Me Pretty?

    I am short, stocky, and average-looking. When I was growing up, people used to comment about how flat my nose was. A friend even told me that my nose looked like it had been hit by something.

    Fool’s Errand

    In my Nigerian boarding school, students loved to indulge in a practical joke. An older student would send an unsuspecting younger one on an errand to get the “rainbow bucket” from another older student. The latter would then ask the young student to get it from another older student. On and on it went until someone took pity on the unsuspecting student and revealed that the bucket didn’t actually exist!

    Doing the right thing

    Have you ever wondered, “What do I do next?” Well, today on Discover the Word, we end the weeklong discussion with John Townsend by talking about doing the next right thing. It’s part of the series called “The Entitlement Cure.” Join the team today on Discover the Word!

    Keeping your promises

    “Sure, I can make it to lunch with you today . . . unless something better comes along.” Ever been tempted to respond to an invitation that way? Have you ever had to make a choice in a situation like that? Today on Discover the Word, the team is joined by best-selling author John Townsend to […]

    My Identity Crisis: All I Wanted Was to Fit In

    I spent a large part of my adolescence searching for my identity as if it were a lost item to be found. I suppose it was because a large part of my childhood and early teenage years was spent moving between various states in Malaysia before settling in Auckland, New Zealand.

    Words matter

    Words affect actions! Would you agree with that? Well, today on Discover the Word, team members are joined by author John Townsend to discuss how we can change our entitlement mentality by changing the words we use to describe ourselves. Don’t miss it! It’s a fascinating part of the series titled, “The Entitlement Cure.” Listen […]

    Doing what’s best

    Today on Discover the Word we’re not taking any shortcuts! Author John Townsend joins us to uncover how to do what is best and not just what is comfortable. It’s part of a series called “The Entitlement Cure.” Listen today to Discover the Word!

    The Entitlement Cure

    There is a harmful disease that affects our businesses, families, and churches. There’s a good chance you have a case of it as well. Today on Discover the Word, the team welcomes author and psychologist John Townsend to discuss the remedy. The problem is entitlement, and the series is called “The Entitlement Cure.” Tune in […]

    The Habit of Having No Habits

    When we first begin to form a habit, we are fully aware of it. There are times when we are aware of becoming virtuous and godly, but this awareness should only be a stage we quickly pass through as we grow spiritually. If we stop at this stage, we will develop a sense of spiritual pride. The right thing to do with godly habits is to immerse them in the life of the Lord until they become such a spontaneous expression of our lives that we are no longer aware of them. Our spiritual life continually causes us to focus our attention inwardly for the determined purpose of self-examination, because each of us has some qualities we have not yet added to our lives.

    The Other Way

    Photographer Oliver Curtis’ exhibit Volte-face (“about turn”) interacts with iconic landmarks—only his images capture what’s found in the opposite direction. So, when he arrived at Stonehenge, he turned 180 degrees before taking his pictures, capturing images that are typically ignored. Curtis says the photos “send [our] gaze elsewhere and . . . favor the incidental over the monumental.”

    The Story of My Eating Disorder

    There are quite a few obstacles I’ve had to overcome in my 23 years of life so far. But each obstacle has only made me stronger. One obstacle in particular was something I never thought I would get through.

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