Our Daily Bread Ministries


  • Topic > Life Struggles > Promiscuity >

    4 Ways to Flee Sexual Temptation

    I read about a recent pastors’ conference in the United States where, during the Q&A session, the inevitable question came to the old preacher sitting on a stool in the middle of the stage: “What is the one thing you want younger pastors to know?”

    I didn’t think God wanted me–Amanda’s Story

    When a trusted family member stole her innocence, he also robbed Amanda of her sense of self-worth. Believing she was damaged beyond repair, Amanda threw herself into destructive habits. Learn how God revealed His love and grace in making a broken person whole again!

    “I was tired of living like this!”– Janet’s Story

    Janet knew of God’s love but it seemed far away as her circumstances overwhelmed her. The search for something or someone who could offer love and consistency began at an early age and followed her into adulthood. The meaning, purpose, and hope she’d been looking for was finally found at a time and in a…

    sexual freedom

    Nearly half of the children born in my country are born to unwed mothers. One million more are aborted each year. Teenagers can purchase over-the-counter “morning after” pills. Our Supreme Court has ruled that men may marry men and women may marry women, and anyone who says otherwise is injuring them. Few people think they should wait for marriage to have sex, and many who do marry still end up divorcing their spouse.

    Finding forgiveness and love from an unplanned pregnancy–Christina’s Story

    At age twenty, an unplanned pregnancy changed Christina’s life forever. Having grown up in a Christian home, it was especially difficult to share this big news with her parents. Don’t miss this dramatic story of grace and forgiveness.

    Making peace with their past–Mark & Lisa’s Story

    The more they focused on each other, the more they lost focus on the Lord. But an unplanned pregnancy became the catalyst for Mark and Lisa to seek God’s forgiveness and mercy. Find out how one couple learned that God can use our poor choices to draw us to Him, and to impact the lives...

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