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    Pregnant at 18, what was I thinking?

    There was a time I believed that I had it all together. In my mind, I was the epitome of cool.

    His chosen child

    Did you know that the Creator of the universe wants to adopt you to be His very own? Ephesians chapter one, verse five, says that God “predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ.” After being adopted at a young age by a loving family, it wasn’t hard for Judy to understand that truth. […]

    Love can overcome our guilt and shame

    When Christina became pregnant outside of marriage, she was surprised by her parents’ support. Still, shame consumed her until she experienced God’s forgiveness. When Sally embarked on a journey of self-discovery and got pregnant, she found herself alone and frightened until she found her true identity in Christ. Learn how God can turn the toughest situations around for good.

    A living stone–Colleen’s Story

    Some decisions we make alter the course of our life forever. Colleen thought she’d moved on after her abortion, but years later the weight of her guilt became too much to bear. Learn how God met Colleen in her sorrow, and brought healing and restoration to her life. Find out more of what the Bible says...

    Finally, the freedom to talk about this–Lance & Shirley’s Story

    There are decisions we make in life that have a much different outcome than what we were expecting. Lance and Shirley made a choice many years ago that left them longing to break through the quiet agony of abortion. Learn how one couple found hope and healing through God’s mercy and grace. Find out more...

    Loss, Family

    Already in their forties, an unexpected pregnancy interrupted the plans Jon and Barb had for their lives. One couple’s story about how life can abruptly change—and a merciful God who never changes.

    Finding forgiveness and love from an unplanned pregnancy–Christina’s Story

    At age twenty, an unplanned pregnancy changed Christina’s life forever. Having grown up in a Christian home, it was especially difficult to share this big news with her parents. Don’t miss this dramatic story of grace and forgiveness.

    Making peace with their past–Mark & Lisa’s Story

    The more they focused on each other, the more they lost focus on the Lord. But an unplanned pregnancy became the catalyst for Mark and Lisa to seek God’s forgiveness and mercy. Find out how one couple learned that God can use our poor choices to draw us to Him, and to impact the lives...

    Fear Not

    My wife became seriously ill during her pregnancy with our second child. As the doctors struggled to find the problem, she continued to grow weaker—dangerously so.

    Each Life A Gift

    A young woman was pregnant but unmarried. And even though she lived in a society that didn’t place a high value on unborn life, she wisely chose to allow her baby to live.

    The child, whom she generously made available for adoption, became part of a loving Christian family who nurtured their precious daughter, loved her, and showed her the way to Christ.

    Abortion Survivor, Adoptee, Child of the Living God–Claire’s Story

    Many adopted children search for their birth parents later in life. The experience can bring healing and restoration. But Claire found more than reconnection with her mother, she discovered the shocking details of an abortion gone wrong. You’ll be inspired by Claire’s dramatic hope-filled story of God’s divine intervention.

    Significant Surrender

    Throughout history, Mary the mother of Jesus has been held in high esteem. And rightly so! She was singled out by God to deliver the long-awaited Messiah.

    But before we get lost in the significance of her life, let’s take a look at what it meant for her to surrender to the assignment. Living in a small backwater Galilean village where everyone knew everyone else’s business, she would have to live with the perceived shame of her premarital pregnancy.

    Abortion, Forgiveness–Luann’s Story

    The aftermath of an unplanned pregnancy and abortion left deep scars on Luann’s heart. Hear how there is hope and healing for even our deepest wounds, no matter what it is you’re facing!

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