Our Daily Bread Ministries


  • Topic > Life Struggles > Addiction > Gambling >

    Living a “double-life” is no life at all

    When Adam and Eve sinned, their first instinct was to run and hide! That was their natural response and it was Chad’s natural response, too. Chad shares how despite his life of secrecy and deception, God never gave up on him.

    Addictions–Miguel’s Story

    Miguel’s answer to the emptiness he felt only left him with bigger problems.  When his gambling addiction left him homeless, he found hope and a future in an unexpected place

    Finding truth following a life of deception–Betty and Scott’s story

    Financial stability isn’t handed to us free and clear. It’s a lot of work! When Betty and Scott came to terms with mishandling their finances, they found freedom from the debt trap by trusting God!

    Role Models

    During a summer of international sports scandals involving gambling and substance abuse, two athletes were applauded for their character as much as their professional accomplishments. A record crowd of 75,000 cheered Cal Ripken Jr. and Tony Gwynn during their 2007 induction into the National Baseball Hall of Fame. “Whether we like it or not,” Ripken said, “as big leaguers, we are role models. The only question is, will it be positive or will it be negative?”

    A Poor Substitute

    What happens when a person abandons his faith in God? Cases differ, to be sure, but most faith-renouncers confess to sensing a void inside. They have an emptiness that must be filled. Inevitably, they turn to a God-substitute.

    Almost anything can serve as a God-substitute—sports, art, sex, music, work, gambling, drugs, alcohol, TV—even another person.

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