Our Daily Bread Ministries


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    Out of the dust

    Before Chris and Stephanie ever recorded an album, they were just two college students in love. But soon life and marriage became complicated, filled with uncertainties that were pulling them apart. Hear an amazing story about God’s redemptive power that restored their marriage.

    God has not forgotten you

    Because of sin, the Bible says that we are alienated from God. But as Amanda and Kathryn discovered, God’s love is reaching out to those who are farthest from Him, even those behind prison bars.

    Redemption and Restoration

    Nate’s drug and alcohol addiction had overtaken his life. In order to support his habit, he committed a crime that earned him a 12-year prison sentence. Thinking her husband a lost cause, his wife, Rose, moved on with her life without him. You’ll be inspired by this story of redemption and restoration as both Nate and Rose surrendered […]

    Living life at 96 miles per hour

    When Major League Baseball Pitcher Dan Naulty’s team won the World Series, he wasn’t thinking of celebrating with his teammates—he was thinking of jumping off a bridge. That’s how empty he felt inside. Find out how Dan’s fluctuating morality led him to a crisis point and how God met him in the midst of his […]

    The right to become children of God

    What determines your life has value? Some might say it’s how much money you have, your job title, or perhaps your heritage. Jennifer and Joshua each learned it’s something completely different. Both thought it was up to them to make their mark in the world in order to prove their worth, but everything they tried left them feeling […]

    My Struggle With Alcohol: The Spirit That Never Satisfies

    I used to drink a lot. Once, I had one too many that I stumbled about the streets and passed out outside a shopping mall in the wee hours. Some kind strangers woke me up and asked if I needed to be sent to the hospital.

    You’re never too far from God’s mercy

    Is there anyone beyond God’s reach? Both Chuck and Ruben grew up in homes where
    drugs and alcohol were abused. Their usage and poor choices eventually resulted in
    their arrests. Yet God found a way to meet each of them at their greatest point of need.
    Discover how God’s grace is able to penetrate even the hardest of hearts.

    A spark of light in the darkest hour – Sharry Spencer’s Story

    A violent, abusive marriage and unrelenting drug addiction left Sharry homeless and estranged from her family. Discover how God brought healing to Sharry and her entire family through the support of a church and local mission.

    The unrelenting pursuit of a holy God–Raymond’s Story and Jennifer’s Story

    No matter where you’ve gone or what you’ve done, God doesn’t stop pursuing His children. Discover how God transformed the lives of Jennifer and Raymond, two people struggling under the weight of addiction and set them on the path to recovery. Be encouraged by a story of God’s love and power. We would like to […]

    Conquering generational addiction–Rusty & Darla’s Story

    Growing up on Native American reservations and dealing with families ripped apart by alcohol and drug abuse, Rusty and Darla were on the road to destruction. This couple shares their surprising story of transformation. Hear how God’s mercy and grace put them on a new path. We would like to thank KLMP in Rapid City,…

    I didn’t think God wanted me–Amanda’s Story

    When a trusted family member stole her innocence, he also robbed Amanda of her sense of self-worth. Believing she was damaged beyond repair, Amanda threw herself into destructive habits. Learn how God revealed His love and grace in making a broken person whole again!

    “I was tired of living like this!”– Janet’s Story

    Janet knew of God’s love but it seemed far away as her circumstances overwhelmed her. The search for something or someone who could offer love and consistency began at an early age and followed her into adulthood. The meaning, purpose, and hope she’d been looking for was finally found at a time and in a…

    “I can’t believe you’re still alive!”–Travis’ Story

    The adrenaline rush that comes with performing dangerous stunts can be addictive. It was a feeling Travis chased for many years, until his whole life came to a screeching halt. Discover how one man eventually found life’s greatest thrills in serving the Lord and others! Find out more of what the Bible says about “Joseph:…

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