Our Daily Bread Ministries


  • Topic > Life Struggles

    The Lord looks at the heart

    Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. And today on Discover the Word,  we unwrap this truth from the book of Genesis in the story of Leah. Tune in for a story of sibling rivalry, dysfunctional parenting, and the all-surpassing love of God. Listen today to Discover the Word!

    “I’m Really Scared . . .”

    “I’m really scared.” This was the poignant note a teenager posted to friends on Facebook as she told them of some upcoming medical tests. She was facing hospitalization and a series of procedures in a city three hours from home and anxiously waited as doctors tried to discover the source of some serious medical problems she was experiencing.

    Who of us, in youth or later years, has not felt similar fears when facing unwanted life events that are truly frightening? And where can we turn for help? What comfort can we find from Scripture to give us courage in these kinds…

    Is fear holding you back from being generous?

    When it comes to generosity, fear often holds us back. Can we still provide for ourselves if we give some of what we have away? Today on Discover the Word, special guest Jeff Manion and the team conclude a series on “Satisfaction” by looking at the freedom of living generously. It’s a radical change in […]

    The Doorway to the Kingdom

    Beware of thinking of our Lord as only a teacher. If Jesus Christ is only a teacher, then all He can do is frustrate me by setting a standard before me I cannot attain. What is the point of presenting me with such a lofty ideal if I cannot possibly come close to reaching it? I would be happier if I never knew it. What good is there in telling me to be what I can never be— to be “pure in heart” (Matthew 5:8), to do more than my duty, or to be completely devoted to God? I must know Jesus Christ as my Savior before His teaching has any meaning for me other than that of a lofty ideal which only leads to despair.

    4 Ways to Flee Sexual Temptation

    I read about a recent pastors’ conference in the United States where, during the Q&A session, the inevitable question came to the old preacher sitting on a stool in the middle of the stage: “What is the one thing you want younger pastors to know?”

    God’s Unexpected Plan in My Failed Job-Hunt

    I have dreamed of becoming a journalist since entering college. My love for writing and travelling were my primary reasons for choosing the journalism course. But as graduation drew near, I was torn between two choices: passion or salary?

    Light in the Darkness

    A friend of mine grew up in a rural part of Hawaii where her family had no electricity. As a child, the dark hours of the night frightened her. Without streetlights or the occasional lamp-lit window, it was easy to imagine a scary ogre or hungry beast lurking around the corner. Eventually, my friend left Hawaii to attend college in another region of the US. Although modern lighting brightened the evening hours, her fear of the dark persisted. Finally, as a married adult with children, she began to ask God to help her overcome her fear, and He answered her…

    Are You Being Prepared?

    I worked at a fast-food restaurant for over two years in high school. Some aspects of the job were difficult. Customers verbalized their anger while I apologized for the unwanted slice of cheese on the sandwich I didn’t make. Soon after I left, I applied for an IT job at my university. The employers were more interested in my fast-food experience than my computer skills. They wanted to know that I knew how to deal with people. My experience in unpleasant circumstances prepared me for a better job!

                    Young David persevered through an experience we might well call unpleasant. When…

    The secret of contentment

    It’s easy to feel satisfied when life is good. But when circumstances take a difficult turn, contentment can fly out the window! Today on Discover the Word, we explore the apostle Paul’s secret to contentment in every circumstance. A biblical look at satisfaction regardless of our situation today on Discover the Word!

    Learning to be content in who we are

    Are you feeling a bit restless? Do you feel a lack of personal satisfaction and purpose in your life? Well, today on Discover the Word, the team, along with special guest, Jeff Manion, will share the personal satisfaction we can have when we realize our true identity. We’re learning to be content in who we […]

    Starting Work? Here’s 3 Must-have Attitudes

    I’ve been down this road many times before. I did my postgraduate studies full-time and worked part-time as a lecturer in my university. Then the roles reversed and I worked full-time in banking and studied theology part-time.

    There is No Shame in Getting Help

    Due to injuries resulting from a major car accident which left me bed-bound, I have ample personal experience knowing that asking for help is not an easy thing to do.

    The Inevitable Penalty

    There is no heaven that has a little corner of hell in it. God is determined to make you pure, holy, and right, and He will not allow you to escape from the scrutiny of the Holy Spirit for even one moment. He urged you to come to judgment immediately when He convicted you, but you did not obey. Then the inevitable process began to work, bringing its inevitable penalty. Now you have been “thrown into prison, [and] . . . you will by no means get out of there till you have paid the last penny” (5:25-26).

    The Strictest Discipline

    Jesus did not say that everyone must cut off his right hand, but that “if your right hand causes you to sin” in your walk with Him, then it is better to “cut it off.” There are many things that are perfectly legitimate, but if you are going to concentrate on God you cannot do them. Your right hand is one of the best things you have, but Jesus says that if it hinders you in following His precepts, then “cut it off.” The principle taught here is the strictest discipline or lesson that ever hit humankind.

    Pornography: You Can Break Free

    October 3, 2012, is a day my husband Andrew and I will never forget. On the same day every year, we dress up, go out to a fancy restaurant, and celebrate a unique anniversary: Andrew’s freedom from the chains of almost two decades of addiction to pornography.

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