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    The Cross

    Find out more: https://ourdailybread.org/the-cross/

    Truth with Love

    Find out how you can tell others about Jesus, be knowledgeable and respectful of differences, and stand firm in your own beliefs.

    I Met Jesus through A Flyer

    It all started with a ring on my doorbell some ten years back by a tall, nice looking girl. Having been instructed never to open the door to strangers when I am alone at home, I was apprehensive at first. Usually, I would ignore anybody at the door but […]

    Why We Believe: Evidences For Christian Faith

    How can you be confident in sharing your faith with others? In this booklet, Mart De Haan helps prepare you to share the hope that is in you , as he presents converging lines of evidence for belief in the Christian faith. Discover how you can effectively convey the message of God’s love to nonbelievers with these excerpts from the “10 Reasons To Believe” brochure.

    Hope for the World

    No matter what you face in life, the decisions you make determine the course of your journey. Where can you find clear direction to help you make wise choices? In Hope for the World, author Alice Mathews examines the decisions made by Eve and Mary that continue to impact the world from generation to generation. Discover from their stories how you can find hope in God and make choices that reflect His will for your life.

    Beyond Reasonable Doubt: The Truth About the Bible

    Many people find it difficult to wrap their minds around the compatibility of science and the miracles recorded in the Bible. However, science and the Bible are not in conflict. They can both be trusted to tell us truths about different things. In this booklet, author Dennis Moles presents increasing evidence to support the reliability of the Bible and its message of reconciliation and grace as he points us to Jesus—the most compelling reason to believe.

    10 Reasons to Believe In The Existence of God

    Is there a God? Atheists say no such being exists, yet have no proof. Agnostics merely offer that they cannot know with certainty either way. Is there, however, proof that God is real and that He is alive? This brochure presents careful reasoning to verify not only the reality of God’s existence, but the legitimacy of trusting Him.

    10 Reasons to Believe God Offers The Perfect Gift

    How does a person gain eternal life? All of the world’s religions boil down to two answers: forgiveness and life either come as a result of human effort, or as a loving gift from God. This pamphlet offers the challenge that there are at least ten good reasons to believe that God offers a gift—and that this gift is sufficient for the needs of our hearts and lives.

    Crucified: Take up Your Cross, Part II

    "And He summoned the multitude with His disciples, and said to them, 'If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me'" (Mark 8:34). Multitude and disciples alike, the call to take up the cross is the same, but what is the real-life application of this passage?

    Join host Jimmy DeYoung—with insights from Jewish believer and scholar Michael Rydelnik and author and teacher Joe Stowell as well as inspirational music from Corey Emerson and Emily Taubl—as he takes you on a journey from the Mount of Olives to the City of Jerusalem, retracing Jesus' steps to the cross. You'll find yourself involved with God's Word in new ways, and come to realize what the Messiah meant when He called you to "take up your cross."

    Runtime: 26 minutes

    Crucified: Take up Your Cross, Part I

    Jesus entered Jerusalem on His way to the cross. The people of Jerusalem praised His coming; the Jewish religious leaders dreaded it. Many wondered if Jesus might be the Messiah—the one who would rescue them from Roman occupation. The religious leaders believed Jesus to be a threat to their power and sentenced Him to death on a cross.

    In what is often told as the story of the passion of the Christ, there is another lesson to be learned. Jesus wanted us to know that those who would identify with and follow Him would also take up their cross.

    Runtime: 26 minutes

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