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    The Day I Was Saved by Unbelievers

    Eighteen years ago, my carefree life turned into a living hell overnight. It was May 1998, and riots broke out in my city, Jakarta in Indonesia. They were triggered by economic problems including food shortages and mass unemployment.

    Why We May All be Guilty of Racism

    Last week, a friend of our family was walking with his wife in the Austin neighborhood of Chicago when he was attacked by a gang of young men and badly beaten. He ended up spending the night in the hospital with several cracked bones in his face and other assorted cuts and bruises.

    Jesus the Reconciler

    I live in a region and neighborhood that share a tragic racial history. For instance, the daughter of one of my elderly neighbors was part of a civil suit to force area schools to obey federal law and desegregate. As I’ve spoken with my neighbors, I’ve had to grapple with the racial divide in my country, with the many ways people have yet to fulfill God’s mandate to be agents of reconciliation.

    Radical Love

    Early in his career, former Ku Klux Klan (a white supremacist group) leader Johnny Lee Clary met African-American Reverend Wade Watts at a radio station debate. “Hello Mr. Clary,” Reverend Watts said before they went on air. “I just want you to know that I love you and Jesus loves you.”

    Driving Out Darkness

    In early 2015, a fraternity at the University of Oklahoma in the US was caught on video singing a deeply offensive and racist song. Reaction by university officials was swift and stern, and rightly so. But what did Isaac Hill, president of the school’s Black Student Association, have to say? After all, the chillingly racist chant had targeted African-Americans.

    Minister of Reconciliation

    As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. preached on a Sunday morning in 1957, he fought the temptation to retaliate against a society steeped in racism.

    “How do you go about loving your enemies?” he asked the Dexter Avenue Baptist congregation in Montgomery, Alabama. “Begin with yourself. . . . When the opportunity presents itself for you to defeat your enemy, that is the time which you must not do it.”

    Quoting from the words of Jesus, King said: “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you .…

    A powerful exchange between Jesus and a religious lawyer

    The parable of the Good Samaritan is one of the greatest short stories Jesus ever told. Today we take a look at the stirring conclusion to a powerful exchange.

    A fragile identity solidified–Renee’s Story

    As a biracial child in the 1970s, Renee was the recipient of intense bullying. And after being sexually assaulted as a teen, her life seemed to spin out of control. Renee shares how God pulled her back from the brink of self-destruction and revealed her true identity and value through a relationship with Jesus Christ. […]

    Marian Anderson: A Song of Dignity and Grace, Part II

    Join Day of Discovery as we take a closer look at the life of Marian Anderson and examine how she was able to overcome the racial barriers of her time . .

    Marian Anderson: A Song of Dignity and Grace, Part I

    Denied the opportunity to sing at Constitution Hall because of her race, Marian Anderson sang instead at the nearby Lincoln Memorial on Easter Sunday in 1939

    Our Moral Compass

    When Abraham Lincoln was introduced to author Harriet Beecher Stowe, he reportedly said that she was “the little woman who wrote the book that started this great war.”

    Although President Lincoln’s comment wasn’t entirely serious, Stowe’s novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin was instrumental in abolishing slavery in the US. Its graphic depiction of racism and the injustice of slavery helped lead to the start of civil war. Ultimately, Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation declared that all slaves “shall be free.” Thus, Stowe’s novel helped to change a nation’s moral compass.

    Seeing The Person Inside

    On February 1, 1960, four students from an all-black college sat down at a “whites only” lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina. One of them, Franklin McCain, noticed an older white woman seated nearby looking at them. He was sure that her thoughts were unkind toward them and their protest against segregation. A few minutes later she walked over to them, put her hands on their shoulders, and said, “Boys, I am so proud of you.”

    Not My Kind

    In the Star Wars trilogy there’s a scene that reminds me of some church people I know. At an establishment somewhere in a remote corner of the galaxy, grotesque-looking creatures socialize over food and music. When Luke Skywalker enters with his two droids, C3PO and R2D2 (who are more “normal” than anyone else there), he is surprisingly turned away with a curt rebuff: “We don’t serve their kind here!”

    Josiah Henson: The Real Uncle Tom, Part 1

    Larnelle Harris takes you on site to one of the final stops on the Underground Railroad, and the home of Josiah Henson. What's so special about Josiah Henson? He's the man upon which author Harriet Beecher Stowe based her inspiring novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin.

    Join Larnelle and the Day of Discovery team as they take you on a visual journey from the historical site of Uncle Tom’s cabin in Maryland to Kentucky and, ultimately, into Canada, where many slaves found freedom and a future.

    You'll also discover how this African-American minister went from slavery, to faith in Jesus Christ, to freedom, and on to train other former slaves to read, write, and learn a trade.

    Closed Captioning for the hearing impaired.

    Runtime: 60 minutes

    Josiah Henson: The Real Uncle Tom, Part II

    Did a runaway slave inspire the bestselling novel of the 19th century? And did the unprecedented success of that novel ignite flames of public opinion that led to the Civil War? Find out as we continue our story of the extraordinary life of
    "Josiah Henson: The Real Uncle Tom."

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