Our Daily Bread Ministries


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    Clueless at the Light

    Ahead of me, two rows of cars waited for the traffic light to turn from red to green. Beside us, in the turn lane, a third line of vehicles awaited a green arrow so they could turn left.

    A Good Name

    When we considered remodeling our basement, our neighbors all recommended the same person for the job—Tony. He’s an experienced carpenter who shows up every day, delivers more than he promises, and finishes what he starts. People trust this handyman enough to give him their house keys and many let him keep the keys after he finishes the job. When they have a home repair project, they simply contact Tony and he comes over, lets himself in, and goes to work.

    Another Option

    The film Bridge of Spies tells the true story of a lawyer who was selected by his government to defend an arrested foreign spy. As the lawyer strived for a fair trial, he found himself caught in a moral quandary. With both countries standing on the brink of nuclear war, his government wasn’t interested in a rigorous defense. They simply wanted the spy convicted and sent to the electric chair.

    Honorable Living

    While delivering a well-publicized speech, a respected leader and statesman got the attention of his nation by declaring that most of his country’s honorable Members of Parliament (MPs) were quite dishonorable. Citing lifestyles of corruption, pompous attitudes, unsavory language, and other vices, he rebuked the MPs and urged them to reform. As expected, his comments didn’t go well with them and they dispatched counter-criticisms his way.

    We may not be public officials in positions of leadership, but we who follow Christ are a “chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession” (1 Peter 2:9). As such, our Lord calls…

    A Legacy Life

    While staying in a hotel in a small town I noticed that the church across the street was having a service. People were jammed into the church with a standing-room-only crowd of both young and old flowing out onto the sidewalk. When I noticed a hearse by the curb, I realized it was a funeral. And given the crowd, I assumed that it was the celebration of the life of some local hero—perhaps a wealthy businessperson or a famous personality. Curious, I said to the desk clerk, “That’s an amazing turnout for a funeral; it must be for a famous…

    Straight Up

    Carefully lifting each piece of paper, I sorted the stacks on my desk—again. I searched through file drawers, bookcases, computer folders, and email messages while praying fervently that the missing item would be found. Disappointed and frustrated, I took a deep breath and informed my supervisor before emailing the originator of the document for another copy. My prayers were answered in an unexpected fashion when I received a message in reply letting me know that the item hadn’t yet been sent to me!

    John Wooden: They Called Him Coach, Part 3

    Get a fascinating look into the life of legendary Coach John Wooden—his remarkable career and his personal values for successful living. This inspiring biography conveys the importance that Coach Wooden placed on integrity, belief in God, and concern for others. Other Parts of the series: Part 1: John Wooden: They Called Him Coach Part 2: John Wooden: They […]

    John Wooden: They Called Him Coach, Part 2

    Get a fascinating look into the life of legendary Coach John Wooden—his remarkable career and his personal values for successful living. Greatly admired by all who knew him, Coach John Wooden demonstrated what it means to live a Christian life. This inspiring biography conveys the importance that Coach Wooden placed on integrity, belief in God, and […]

    John Wooden: They Called Him Coach, Part 1

    Honored for his legendary success as a coach and greatly admired by all who knew him, John Wooden demonstrated what it means to live a Christian life. Including interviews with his daughter, Nan Wooden, and players he coached at South Bend Central High School, Indiana State University, and UCLA, this captivating biography provides a great […]

    Shine Brightly

    Shane (name changed to protect his identity) took a big job at a well-known company. Within a few months of overseeing its operations, he discovered some dark financial secrets. Doing his job, he delved into a morass of monetary fraud. As he exposed the impropriety, an unexpected thing happened. He was brought before the board of the company and threatened. Shane, a believer in Jesus, stood his ground. His integrity shone brightly even though he was released by the company’s board under false pretenses.

    Ultimate Leadership I

    Based on spiritual principles of leadership and character development, this four-lesson course offers studies on Character and Leadership, Knowing God’s Will, Building Trust and more. The Ultimate Leadership course will give you practical skills that will increase your success in every area of life.

    The Ultimate Leadership Series is offered in two separate courses, to take Ultimate Leadership II click here.

    Don’t miss the Ultimate Leadership Workshops with Dr. Cloud & Dr. Townsend (Click here to learn more).

    How the wisdom of true sincerity allows God to work

    A famous journalist once said about sincerity, “If you can fake it, you’ve got it made.” But is sincerity something you can really fake?

    Keeping Promises

    Regret. That’s what I felt after my first day of volunteering. From my perspective, I had spent the whole time doing nothing, and I couldn’t imagine spending another precious Sunday doing the same pointless thing from 1 to 9 p.m. But I’d made a promise, having told the event planners that I would help out for two Sundays.

    Words and Actions

    The email from the student in my college writing class expressed urgency. It was the end of the semester, and he realized he needed a better grade to participate in sports. What could he do? He had missed some assignments, so I gave him two days to complete those papers and improve his grade. His response: “Thank you. I’ll do it.”

    Two days—and the deadline—passed, and no papers appeared. He didn’t back up his words with action.

    Jesus told about a young man who did something similar. The boy’s dad asked him to do some work in the vineyard. The son said,…

    teaching lines

    I overheard my 11-year-old son telling his grandmother about one of his classes at school. “On our first day of Studio Art,” he said, “our teacher told us to draw self-portraits. Mine was bad. Everyone’s was bad. The next day she taught us how to use lines, and everyone’s self-portraits improved.”

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