Our Daily Bread Ministries


  • Topic > Ethical Issues > Euthanasia >

    In Defense Of Life

    The Jews clearly understood that God’s commandment not to kill refers to murder-the malicious taking of human life. It doesn’t forbid governments to use the death penalty or to wage war. This commandment deals solely with private morality.

    Exodus 20:13 is based on the divine truth that human life is sacred and that we must protect and preserve it. Every human being bears God’s image. Even an embryo is marked with a unique identity from the moment of conception. Life is God’s most precious gift, and only He has the right to take it. Abortion, euthanasia, and physician-assisted suicide must all be viewed in the light of God’s right to our life.

    The Value Of One

    How much is one human life worth? It’s a question that’s being debated on several fronts, from abortion to euthanasia.

    How do we know that each person on earth has distinct and separate value? What proof do we have that every individual man and woman and child should be treasured?

    We know the value of each person—because of Jesus.

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