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    The Spiritually Self-Seeking Church

    Reconciliation means the restoring of the relationship between the entire human race and God, putting it back to what God designed it to be. This is what Jesus Christ did in redemption. The church ceases to be spiritual when it becomes self-seeking, only interested in the development of its own organization. The reconciliation of the human race according to His plan means realizing Him not only in our lives individually, but also in our lives collectively. Jesus Christ sent apostles and teachers for this very purpose— that the corporate Person of Christ and His church, made up of many members, might be brought into being and made known. We are not here to develop a spiritual life of our own, or to enjoy a quiet spiritual retreat. We are here to have the full realization of Jesus Christ, for the purpose of building His body.

    The Spiritually Vigorous Saint

    A saint is not to take the initiative toward self-realization, but toward knowing Jesus Christ. A spiritually vigorous saint never believes that his circumstances simply happen at random, nor does he ever think of his life as being divided into the secular and the sacred. He sees every situation in which he finds himself as the means of obtaining a greater knowledge of Jesus Christ, and he has an attitude of unrestrained abandon and total surrender about him. The Holy Spirit is determined that we will have the realization of Jesus Christ in every area of our lives, and He will bring us back to the same point over and over again until we do.

    The Search for Meaning: Science & God

    Using debate-tested conclusions and simple illustrations, Science & God examines the tension between science and religion to clarify the issues.

    The Search for Meaning: What Matters

    This documentary puts worldviews under the microscope and walks you through four predictable stages of life to help you sort out and process your quest for meaning.


    Sarah sometimes wonders if she only believes in Jesus because she’s surrounded by family and friends who also do. She asked, “Am I a Christian because it’s true or because I live in a Christian bubble?”

    This is how we know what love is

    Nothing can separate us from the love of God. Learn how both Ilinda and Nick have witnessed God’s power to set men and women free, even from behind prison bars. Their journeys are different, but they’ve found the Bible contains the very words to live by.

    Why I have Hope (Despite a terrible 2016)

    I recently came across an article that reported that Planet Earth, a popular BBC nature and wildlife documentary, has racked up more millennial viewers—myself included—than reality TV shows like The X Factor.

    God has a purpose in every disagreement

    In most cases, we try to avoid conflict at all costs. But it’s important to remember that God has a purpose in every disagreement. Today on Discover the Word, author Patricia Raybon shares how God used her conflict with her Muslim daughter as a springboard for ministry. Learn how God can “enlarge your territory” too […]

    Love Without Borders

    During the Boxer Rebellion in China in 1900, missionaries trapped in a home in T’ai Yüan Fu decided their only hope for survival rested on running through the crowd that was calling for their deaths. Aided by weapons they held, they escaped the immediate threat. However, Edith Coombs, noticing that two of her injured Chinese students had not escaped, raced back into danger. She rescued one, but stumbled on her return trip for the second student and was killed.

    Meanwhile, missionaries in Hsin Chou district had escaped and were hiding in the countryside, accompanied by their Chinese friend Ho Tsuen Kwei.…

    God can use conflict to develop peace in our hearts

    Sometimes, the circumstances we face in life are simply out of our control. So how can we maintain a sense of peace when things don’t go the way we planned? Today on Discover the Word, the group and author Patricia Raybon discuss the peace Patricia found when she stopped trying so hard to change her […]

    Does respect mean embracing the other person’s view?

    It’s a challenge to maintain a relationship with a loved one who chooses the wrong path. But today on Discover the Word, the group, and author Patricia Raybon discuss how to mend broken relationships in a family that’s been split in two by conflicting beliefs. It starts with respect. But does respect mean embracing the other […]

    Having a heart that first asks, and then listens

    What do you do when someone holds a radically different viewpoint than yours—and that “someone” is one of your children? Do you forcefully try to argue them out of it? Is that ever going to be effective? Well, today on Discover the Word, the group along with guest, author Patricia Raybon discuss the healing power […]

    When a child goes completely against your beliefs

    How would you cope if your children made a choice in their faith, lifestyle, or politics that totally went against your beliefs? Today on Discover the Word, author Patricia Raybon shares the challenges she faced when her daughter converted to Islam, leaving her shocked and perplexed, questioning her worthiness as a parent and as a […]

    Being spiritual; not religious

    We often hear people say, “I’m spiritual but not religious,” which is often a reaction against the institutional church. But people in the church sometimes say the same thing. Today on “Discover the Word,” we will discuss the apostle Paul’s depiction of spirituality. Would Paul say he’s “spiritual but not religious?”

    The culture Jesus lived in

    No matter how many times you read a passage in Scripture, you won’t get the whole picture without some historical context. Today we’re featuring former hosts Haddon Robinson and Alice Mathews, along with Dr. Kenneth Bailey, in a classic “Discover the Word” episode. They’ll be discussing the culture Jesus lived in and how it sheds light on some familiar Bible passages! Join us to on “Discover the Word”!

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