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    A Word to the Wealthy

    When Robert Edmiston lost his job in the early 1970s, he used the money he received in severance pay to start International Motors. Edmiston went on to become one of the wealthiest business owners in the UK and one of the country’s most generous philanthropists. As a believer in Jesus, he felt compelled to use his wealth to start religious and educational charities that to this day bring hope to people around the world. With offices in Europe, Africa, North America, Latin America, and Asia Pacific, Robert Edmiston has donated hundreds of millions of dollars since 1988.

    Is fear holding you back from being generous?

    When it comes to generosity, fear often holds us back. Can we still provide for ourselves if we give some of what we have away? Today on Discover the Word, special guest Jeff Manion and the team conclude a series on “Satisfaction” by looking at the freedom of living generously. It’s a radical change in […]

    Supporting those Serving

    As a Bible teacher, I’ve traveled to many different countries to share the Scriptures. On many of those trips, I haven’t stayed in hotels but in people’s homes. Believers in Jesus opened their homes, providing me with food and lodging. Although we were strangers before I arrived, my hosts welcomed me, showering me with love and hospitality.

    Why I Abandoned My Bullet Journal

    In recent years, bullet journaling has taken the world (or at least my friends and me) by storm. The concept is simple. You use just one book for everything—scheduling appointments, recording tasks, journaling, drawing, you name it.

    You Have Enough

    Our world grants increasing access to those who can afford the price of admission. If you want to hear your favorite band in concert, you can buy a ticket. Spend more money and you can buy a backstage pass and take a selfie with the band during the “meet and greet.” Pay a lot more and they may be willing to sing at your wedding or birthday party.

    Is Dressing Modestly Overrated?

    I’ve always felt uneasy about the topic of modesty. Growing up in church, I heard many different rules and principles about modesty. However, I often had difficulty accepting some of them—something I know other Christian girls have dealt with as well.

    Party On?

    I recently read of the plight of “370,000 . . . ordinary middle-class people” forced to rummage “in stinking piles of rubbish for rotten cabbage leaves.” Hundreds of thousands of people in the country were scavenging for food while members of the political upper crust were “enjoying lavish parties and gourmet cuisine.” The article revealed unjust conditions and the failure of governmental leaders to do the right thing to help their people.

    Bring your tithes to Jesus

    You’ve heard it said, “Put your money where your mouth is!” But how does this relate to our Christian life? Today on Discover the Word, the team continues the series titled, “Bring It to Jesus.” We’re considering how money impacts all of us in different ways. Do you trust God enough to turn control of […]

    The Gift of Giving

    A pastor breathed life into the phrase “He’d give you the shirt off his back” when he gave this unsettling challenge to his church: “What would happen if we took the coats off our backs and gave them to the needy?” Then he took his own coat and laid it at the front of the church. Dozens of others followed his example. This was during the winter, so the trip home was surely less comfortable that day. But for dozens of people in need, the season warmed up just a bit that day.

    When John the Baptist roamed the Judean wilderness,…

    Adding Interest?

    We can take for granted the idea that any money loaned to someone should be paid back with interest; this is seen as normal. Secular culture often judges things on a purely functional basis, whereby acquiring wealth and even gaining at the expense of another is simply the way things are. In contrast, God has always judged things from a “heart perspective.” What’s the motivation behind our actions? Are we fueled by desire for our own gain, or by compassion, love, and a desire to glorify God?

    Giving Out of Love

    A UK survey revealed that 96 percent of the generous donors surveyed gave to charity because they wanted to give back to society and tackle inequality. And 71 percent said they gave because of their faith.

    Discovering the true riches of life

    The Bible has a lot to say about money. And John Cortines has always had a knack for handling it. He graduated high school with $10,000 in the bank. He finished college with $100,000 in his account. But it was while he was in Harvard Business School getting his MBA that he says he discovered […]

    Sweet surrender

    When John entered Harvard Business School his highest ambition was to retire at age 40. Dan reached his own incredibly lofty goals but something was still missing from his life. Find out how God called both John and Dan to something much bigger than what they could ever have planned for themselves.

    Being a servant of the wealth God gave you

    When it comes to money, are you naturally a spender or a saver? Do you tend to sock it away, or buy a lot of stuff? Well, there’s actually a third option. Today on Discover the Word, we are joined by John Cortines to talk about how, as followers of Christ, we can be servants […]

    How your perspective and focus can change

    Everyone has an “ideal” plan for how their life should go. For John Cortines, that meant making a lot of money and retiring at 40. But today on Discover the Word, the group joins John in discussing how his perspective and life’s focus changed while getting his MBA at Harvard. It’s part of the weeklong […]

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