Our Daily Bread Ministries


  • Topic > Christianity & Culture > Philosophy & Religions > Paranormal >

    Escaping the darkness–Kathy’s Story

    God’s Word tells us that our fight is not against things we can see, but rather against the unseen spiritual agents of darkness. Kathy describes her descent into the occult and God’s miraculous rescue from the grasp of evil. Find out more of what the Bible says about “how to identify a dangerous religious group.”...

    Do You Believe In Magic? Interacting With The Spirit World

    Interest in magic and a fascination with supernatural knowledge and power have become a part of today’s culture. This fascination raises questions in the minds of many. Find out what the Bible has to say about magic, as author Dennis Fisher offers a biblical response to some of the questions you may have regarding popular views of magic, the dangers of experimenting with magic, and the difference between real and make-believe magic.

    Desperate For Answers

    A popular afternoon television program a few years ago was hosted by a self-proclaimed medium. He supposedly received messages from spirits of the dead to give to their family members in his studio audience. His readings prompted many people to believe in this occultic practice.

    We live in a culture where people are desperate to know their future, and they’ll turn to psychics and mediums for answers—a practice expressly forbidden in the Scriptures.

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