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    Stewards Unaware

    Recently I met the captain of one of the boats featured on Wicked Tuna, National Geographic Channel’s reality television show. The show follows the lives of bluefin tuna fishermen living in the US. Bluefin tuna are some of the largest marine creatures. They can grow to 10 feet long and weigh more than 1,000 pounds. Sadly, illegal practices and over-fishing have seriously threatened their population.

    Her Father’s Zoo

    June Williams was only 4 when her father bought 7 acres of land to build a zoo without bars or cages. Growing up she remembers how creative her father was in trying to help wild animals feel free in confinement. Today Chester Zoo is one of England’s most popular wildlife attractions. Home to 11,000 animals on 110 acres of land, the zoo reflects her father’s concern for animal welfare, education, and conservation.

    Solomon had a similar interest in all creatures great and small. In addition to studying the wildlife of the Middle East, he imported exotic animals like apes and monkeys…

    bring on the bees

    Bees can identify certain scents from nearly 3 miles away. Because of their keen sense of smell, ability to fly, and minimal bodyweight, they make ideal bomb-sniffers. Croatian scientist Nikola Kezic has trained bees to detect TNT—an explosive used in his country’s many active landmines. He trains the bees by mixing tiny amounts of TNT with sugar. When the bees are released over a minefield, they’ll fly to areas where they smell the explosive—hoping to find some sweet dessert!

    The Wonder of Creation: Wilderness, Part II: What the Wild Reveals About Us

    In the wilderness, the sounds and rhythms of life change. In the emptiness and silence of the wild, the cycle of distractions can be broken as you leave behind computers, hectic schedules, and interruptions. And for those who have ears to hear, the wilderness can teach the wonder of being still in a busy world. […]

    The Wonder of Creation: Wilderness, Part I: What the Wild Reveals About God

    The landscape of the wilderness bursts with dramatic and inspiring scenery—quiet rivers and streams, isolated forests, and majestic mountains that rise up to intimidate and challenge anyone who approaches. And for those who have eyes to see, the wilderness reveals its treasures. It also speaks volumes of its Creator, the One responsible for such amazing beauty and design. Experience the wonder of creation in the wilderness, and discover What the Wild Reveals About God.

    Runtime: 26 minutes

    the best will come

    This week I bought $30 worth of toilet paper in order to qualify for a mail-in rebate. The rebate form told me to address my envelope to “Road to Glory.” Really? I hadn’t slain a dragon or won a championship. I had merely purchased TP. So I laughed at the ridiculous title as I wrote it on the envelope.

    dog whisperer

    My young nieces recently introduced me to a favorite TV show of theirs: The Dog Whisperer. In the series, an animal behaviorist named Cesar Millan gives advice to pet owners who have unruly dogs. We soon became hooked on the show.

    Wonder of Creation: Soil: The Sustainer of Life, Part II

    Soil is so common that we can easily forget how precious it is. And it is so rare in the universe that we can easily miss its significance to our planet: Soil is the foundation for all living things, including humanity. So what is this vital material out of which all life arises and to which all life eventually returns?

    Runtime: 26 minutes

    The Wonder of a Tree: Their Design, Part I

    "I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree." Those words by Joyce Kilmer express the wonder of looking at one of creation's most magnificent creatures—the tree. Celebrate the wonder of a tree, and discover what these woody giants reveal to us about their great Designer and Creator. For, as Joyce Kilmer observed, "Only God can make a tree."

    Runtime: 26 minutes

    The Wonder of a Tree: The Forest, Part II

    A walk in the woods might be relaxing because of what isn't there: no cars, no computers, no 24-hour news, no overload of information or technology. The woods can be renewing when we don't miss the obvious. When we don't miss the forest for the trees. When we take time to think about what the forest tells us about life and about ourselves.

    Runtime: 26 minutes

    The Wonder of a Tree: A Living Trust, Part III

    Have you ever tried to imagine what the world would be like without trees? The natural beauty of the forest has inspired artists, poets, and presidents. Trees harvested from the forests of the world provide the raw materials for products we rely on each day. When we consider the value of forests, where can we look to find the wisdom to use them in a responsible way? Discover the Bible's perspective on preserving the fruitfulness of the forest.

    Runtime: 26 minutes

    The Wonder of a Tree: Key Trees of the Bible, Part IV

    After people, trees are the most commonly mentioned living creation in the Bible. Trees and tree products are referred to more than 500 times. But why, among all of God’s creation, does the tree get so much space? If the Bible is primarily a book about relationships, why would the tree play such an important role in the unfolding drama of these relationships?

    Runtime: 26 minutes

    Our Father’s World

    When Amanda Benavides was a sophomore at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego, California, she began to rethink her views on Christian stewardship of the earth. Amanda had grown up thinking that being conscious of the environment had nothing to do with her relationship with Jesus. All this changed when she was challenged to consider the Christian’s role in caring for the planet—especially how that relates to reaching the most needy in the world.

    Crowned With Glory

    The Voyager 1 spacecraft, which was launched in 1977, is on the outer edge of our solar system more than 10 billion miles away. In February 1990, when Voyager 1 was almost 4 billion miles from us, scientists turned its camera toward Earth and took some pictures that revealed our planet as an almost imperceptible blue dot on a vast sea of empty space.

    Wonder of Creation: Soil: The Foundation of Life, Part I

    Soil is so common that we can easily forget how precious it is. And it is so rare in the universe that we can easily miss its significance to our planet: Soil is the foundation for all living things, including humanity. So what is this vital material out of which all life arises and to which all life eventually returns?

    Runtime: 26 minutes

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