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    The Search for Meaning: Science & God

    Using debate-tested conclusions and simple illustrations, Science & God examines the tension between science and religion to clarify the issues.

    We Believe in God

    This course briefly surveys what theologians call theology proper or the doctrine of God. It deals with questions such as: Who is God? What are his attributes? What is his eternal plan? What are his works in history? At the most fundamental level, the Scriptures were given to teach us about who God is and what he has done for us. In fact, knowing God is essential for us to understand ourselves and our world. This course is based on the lecture series, We Believe in God, produced by Third Millennium Ministries and hosted by Rev. Dr. Thurman Williams with…

    Why did God Create a World that He Knew was Going to Go Wrong eventually?

    This introduction that you’re reading now is really my third. Twice, I wrote a few paragraphs, only to remove them after finding that they were going nowhere. Despite having spent a couple of hours coming up with the first two versions, it wasn’t really difficult to click on “delete”. I mean, why continue something that is flawed?

    Defending Our Faith

    This course will guide you in ways to defend your faith while expressing God’s love toward those who oppose you. The emphasis is not on “winning the argument” but on planting seeds of the gospel in your conversations. First Peter 3:15 says, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”

    We deeply appreciate the provision of these course materials from Urban Youth Workers Institute. If you have interest in their ministry please visit uywi.org.

    Growing in The Faith

    This course takes an in-depth look at what it means to follow Christ while learning how to study His words on being a disciple.

    We deeply appreciate the provision of these course materials from Urban Youth Workers Institute. If you have interest in their ministry please visit uywi.org.

    The Basics of Our Faith

    This course will explain the foundations of the Christian Faith as found in the Bible.  You will learn about the Bible, who God is as Father, Son and Holy Spirit; what Salvation is and what the Church is and is not.  This is a great course for group study with teens and those searching for truth about God.

    We deeply appreciate the provision of these course materials from Urban Youth Workers Institute. If you have interest in their ministry please visit uywi.org.

    Our Saving Faith

    This world was once a perfect place where God and Adam and Eve had a perfect relationship. Unfortunately the world did not stay that way. This course will reveal how that once-perfect relationship was wrecked through sin and that now all mankind is born sinful. You will also learn about the one person who can wipe away all your sin. This is a great course for group study with teens and those searching for truth about God.

    We deeply appreciate the provision of these course materials from Urban Youth Workers Institute. If you have interest in their ministry please visit uywi.org.

    In the Beginning

    Does God really exist? If God does exist, why is that important? This course will introduce you to the idea that God does exist, who He is, what He wants from you, and why this is important for you. This is a great course for group study with teens and those searching for truth about God.

    We deeply appreciate the provision of these course materials from Urban Youth Workers Institute. If you have interest in their ministry please visit uywi.org.

    3 Reasons Why Christians Need to be Hearing the Gospel—Again

    “Good morning! This is the gospel, it’s free,” the middle-aged man said brightly as he extended a tract titled “If Only” to the lady walking ahead of me. When she shook her head, he turned to me and offered the same tract.

    What if Christianity was a lie?

    Many years back, a friend told me casually, “God lives by faith.” At the time, I thought, Now, that makes sense. How clever! Indeed, it did have a ring of truth to it. And it seemed logical: If I chose to stop believing in God one day, then He would, in a way, stop existing in my life.

    Be Prepared: Building Authentic Faith-Sharing Communities

    In this conversation we’ll explore some of the challenges that Christian leaders face with teaching and modeling a conversational approach to apologetics. As a part of this lively discussion, with two seasoned apologists, you’ll gain helpful insight such as how to embrace and teach the importance of apologetics in modern society, how to teach others to respect those whose ideas,…

    Always Be Ready: Authentic Conversations about Faith

    As Christians we are called to not be afraid, but to set apart Christ in our hearts as Lord and to “always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have.” (1 Peter 3:15).

    How do we know for sure that Christianity is the Truth?

    I recently attended a religious ceremony at a Siamese Buddhist temple as part of an official visit by my MP. Several Muslims and Christians were also at the ceremony, as they had been invited after having helped the temple to solve some issues.

    A thought-provoking conversation on evangelism

    This week we’ve been talking about how to share the gospel in a pluralistic culture. It’s the same challenge that the apostle Paul faced in his day.

    Blessing our enemies by finding common ground

    When the nation of Israel was exiled to Babylon, Jeremiah gave the Jewish leaders unexpected direction. He said, “Seek the peace of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf; for in its peace you will have peace.” Listen in as we continue our series on Acts 17.

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