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    I Have Depression and This Is What I Want You to Know

    I never thought that I would have depression. It seemed like something only strangers had. Even when a close friend of mine struggled with depression a few years ago, I couldn’t relate to what she was going through. I just thought of it as a really low period some people had and would eventually get out of, if only they tried hard enough.

    Many Advisors

    The fifteenth-century theologian Thomas à Kempis said, “Who is so wise as to have perfect knowledge of all things? Therefore, trust not too much to your own opinion, but be ready also to hear the opinions of others. Though your own opinion be good, yet if for the love of God you forego it and follow that of another, you shall the more profit thereby.” Thomas recognized the importance of seeking the opinions of trusted advisors when making plans for life.

    When Love Hurts: Understanding and Healing Domestic Abuse, When the Church is Needed Most, Part IV

    When a bride takes her vows, she doesn’t expect violence to mark her marriage. But sadly, for some that is the case. It’s probable that you know someone who is the victim of verbal or physical abuse: a neighbor, a daughter, a sister, or a friend. This powerful 4-part series pulls back the curtain on the dark secret of abuse and offers hope and help to those caught in its painful cycle.

    Runtime: 26 minutes

    When Help Is Needed: A Biblical View Of Counseling

    When times of overwhelming pressure and stress lead you to seek help, where do you go and how can you know if the guidance you’re getting is trustworthy? Counselor Tim Jackson takes you through a personal assessment with a series of questions and insight from Scripture that will help you understand when, how, and where to turn for biblical counseling.

    How the church can support those dealing with abuse in the home

    We live in a fallen world. And Christian homes aren’t immune to abuse and suffering. Let's wrestle with the difficult subject of domestic abuse and how the church can help those dealing with it.

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