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    Grace to Laugh

    On New Year’s Eve, Brittany was working hard at her restaurant job when she suddenly went into labor. Her son was the first baby born in her city that year, but that wasn’t the most remarkable thing about the birth. According to Brittany, neither she nor her husband had any idea she was pregnant. The baby was a surprise!

    Full of Joy

    In his classic book Orthodoxy, G. K. Chesterton writes: “[Children] want things repeated and unchanged. They always say, ‘Do it again’; and the grown-up person does it again until he is nearly dead. For grown-up people are not strong enough to exult in monotony. But perhaps God is strong enough to exult in monotony. It is possible that God says every morning, ‘Do it again’ to the sun; and every evening, ‘Do it again’ to the moon. It may not be automatic necessity that makes all daisies alike; it may be that God makes every daisy separately, but has never…


    A group of villagers gathered around a massive rig in rural Uganda to watch as a well was being dug on their behalf. Twelve hours later, when the drilling machine struck water, the men, women, and children danced, laughed, and voiced their thanks to God for having a clean water source for the first time in their lives.

    Happiness & Joy

    My wife, Merryn, and I spent last Christmas on the Isle of Mull in Scotland. With its snow-capped mountains and vivid landscape, it’s a truly beautiful place! One moment we drove through snowstorms, the next we saw double rainbows appear from end to end. To me, Mull is a place of fairytales.

    Best Prom Ever

    When Tom Carlisle told his parents he didn’t wantto attend his high school’s prom (formal dance), they understood. Tom is a young man with special needs, and he knew he wouldn’t be comfortable in that social setting.


    Last Christmas I read an article from a religious thinker I admire. She attempted to make the case that we should avoid the exuberant celebration of Christmas—particularly gift-giving. Her familiar complaints? The consumerism and hustle and bustle of the holidays. As we take an axe to consumerism or greed, however, we must not unwittingly also take the axe to joy. In the next few days, you’ll likely give someone a Christmas gift that feels at least a little lavish or unnecessary. You may receive one as well. I believe this mirrors the generosity of God. Certainly, joy doesn’t require expensive…

    Follow Your Heart . . . Really?

    Follow your heart, and do what makes you happy. People offered me this advice countless times while I was growing up. They said it was the secret recipe to living a pleasurable, joyful life.

    Heart Of Joy

    While waiting in the gate area of Singapore’s Changi Airport to board my flight, I noticed a young family—mom, dad, and son. The area was crowded, and they were looking for a place to sit. Suddenly, the little boy began loudly singing “Joy to the World.” He was about 6 years old, so I was pretty impressed that he knew all the words.

    And Then You Laugh

    Noise. Vibration. Pressure. Fireball. Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield used these words to describe being launched into space. As the rocket raced toward the International Space Station, the weight of gravity increased and breathing became difficult. Just when he thought he would pass out, the rocket made a fiery breakthrough into weightlessness. Instead of lapsing into unconsciousness, he broke into laughter.

    Giving Up Our Mirrors

    When Moses gathered the children of Israel together to begin work on the tabernacle (Ex. 35–39), he called on Bezalel, a gifted artisan, to help make the furnishings. We’re told that certain women were asked to give their precious bronze mirrors to make the bronze basin he was constructing (38:8). They gave them up to help prepare a place where God’s presence would reside.

    Healing for wounded hearts and broken churches

    God, the Great Physician, has a prescription for wounded hearts and broken churches: laughter! Discover today why a cheerful smile and joyous laughter are God’s good medicine.

    Discover the power of joy regardless of what you face

    Our feelings are often dictated by our circumstances. When things are good, we’re happy. But when things fall apart, we often feel miserable. Let’s say there’s a fruit of the Spirit that can offers gladness, regardless of what we face.

    the source of joy

    On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your level of joy?

    An eye-opening conversation about meditating on God’s Word

    Meditating often gets a bad rap. We may think it involves uncomfortable positions and nonsensical chanting. How meditating on God’s Word can be an avenue to a happy life.

    Discover the blessing of avoiding sin and living God’s way

    Sin offers momentary happiness. But can sin provide lasting joy in life? Let’s dig deep in Psalm 1 for keys to a happy life.

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