Our Daily Bread Ministries


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    Star Gazing

    My adopted teenage son and I had the privilege of hosting two of his closest friends, Brock and Wesley (and their parents), in his native country of Uganda. Though our friends were spending just one week in East Africa, their plans were so ambitious that I said to Brock, “Your dad wants to do everything in seven days.” “It’s possible,” Brock replied. “God made the earth in seven days.” “Yes,” my son said with a smile, “but did God do all of these activities?”

    The Submission of the Believer

    Our Lord never insists on having authority over us. He never says, “You will submit to me.” No, He leaves us perfectly free to choose— so free, in fact, that we can spit in His face or we can put Him to death, as others have done; and yet He will never say a word. But once His life has been created in me through His redemption, I instantly recognize His right to absolute authority over me. It is a complete and effective domination, in which I acknowledge that “You are worthy, O Lord . . .” (Revelation 4:11).

    Living lives of worship

    Every culture on earth expresses itself through music! Today on Discover the Word, we welcome Nicole Unice back to the table one last time to talk about how God can even turn our lives into songs. They’re not talking about singing through life, but how God’s resounding glory reverberates in everyone who encounters Him. Living […]

    “The Glory Effect”

    Today on Discover the Word, the group joins author and speaker Nicole Unice for another installment of the series titled, “The Glory Effect.” Today’s topic is about the transformation you can experience when you truly encounter the glory of God. Listen right here on Discover the Word!

    We have seen His glory

    What do you think of when you hear, “the glory of God”?  Today on Discover the Word, our team joins author Nicole Unice in kicking off a new series titled, “The Glory Effect.” They’ll examine what God’s glory really is, and how it impacts you today. Listen to Discover the Word!

    Very Good!

    Some days seem to have a theme running through them. Recently I had one of those days. Our pastor began his sermon on Genesis 1 with two minutes of breath-taking, time-lapse photography of blossoming flowers. Then, at home, a scroll through social media revealed numerous posts of flowers. Later on a walk in the woods, the wildflowers of spring surrounded us—trilliums, marsh marigolds, and wild iris.

    God created flowers and every other variety of vegetation (and dry ground to grow in), on the third day of creation. And twice on that day, God pronounced it “good” (Gen. 1:10, 12). On only…

    You Have Enough

    Our world grants increasing access to those who can afford the price of admission. If you want to hear your favorite band in concert, you can buy a ticket. Spend more money and you can buy a backstage pass and take a selfie with the band during the “meet and greet.” Pay a lot more and they may be willing to sing at your wedding or birthday party.

    Consider the Clouds

    One day many years ago my boys and I were lying on our backs in the yard watching the clouds drift by. “Dad,” one asked, “why do clouds float?” “Well, son,” I began, intending to give him the benefit of my vast knowledge, but then I lapsed into silence. “I don’t know,” I admitted, “but I’ll find out for you.”

    The answer, I discovered, is that condensed moisture, descending by gravity, meets warmer temperatures rising from the land. That moisture then changes into vapor and ascends back into the air. That’s a natural explanation for the phenomenon.

    But natural explanations are not…

    Do you ever feel like you’re having a one-sided conversation?

    Have you ever felt like you were having a one-sided conversation with someone? That it seemed like you had to do all the talking because you couldn’t get them to speak, like it was really a monologue? Today on Discover the Word, the team looks to the story of Job to answer the question, “Are […]

    Pondering some important questions about God

    Today on Discover the Word,  the group continues their study in the Old Testament book of Job. Join them at the table as they uncover how God’s questions are wiser than our best answers, and how pondering some important questions about God can encourage our growth. Pull up the fourth chair and listen today to […]

    Are We Really #Blessed?

    Recently, I was intrigued to learn that one of the hashtags that took social media by storm in the past few years wasn’t a new concept—or new word, for that matter. It was the word “blessed”. A quick scroll through Instagram will show at least 72 million posts tagged with #blessed.

    The Holy Other

    Each Sunday my local church begins our service with a call to worship—a song declaring that we gather to proclaim God’s goodness and beauty. As we sing, we’re also affirming that we live as citizens of His kingdom. Although during most of the worship we encourage people to choose their own posture, in this opening song we always ask our people to stand. We want to open the service conscious of standing in God’s presence, reverently honoring the One who’s other than us.

    Camping Psalms

    When my husband and I go for nature walks, we bring our cameras and take close-ups of the plants at our feet, which are like microcosms of the world. What amazing variety and beauty we see, even in the fungi that spring up overnight and dot the woods with splashes of bright orange, red, and […]

    Bring your worship to Jesus

    There is something more important than the air we breathe. And today on Discover the Word, we end the week with a discussion about the most important thing in our lives and the true point of worship. Join us for the final installment of our series titled “Bring It to Jesus,” today on Discover the […]

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