Our Daily Bread Ministries


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    The One

    The trailer for the epic World War II movie Saving Private Ryan contains these words: “In the last great invasion of the last great war, the greatest challenge for eight men was saving . . . one.” Jesus similarly told a parable about a shepherd who searched for one lost lamb. “If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them gets lost, what will he do? Won’t he leave the ninety-nine others in the wilderness and go to search for the one that is lost until he finds it?” (Luke 15:4). Christ told the story to illustrate how God won’t…

    Leah – deeply loved by God!

    Today on Discover the Word, the team kicks off a new series about a woman in the Bible who was, for the most part, rejected and unloved by her family, but deeply loved by God. Be encouraged and inspired by the story of Leah when you listen to Discover the Word!

    “I have a more powerful weapon”

    We often take for granted that we can openly study the Bible. Hear two stories from people who don’t enjoy that freedom. Barbara Follis welcomes Amy and Daniel to the program, as they share what it’s like to be a Christian in countries where reading God’s Word can land you in prison. A resource just […]

    A Time for Everything

    While flying recently, I watched a mother and her children a few rows ahead of me. While the toddler played contentedly, the mother gazed into the eyes of her newborn, smiling at him and stroking his cheek. He stared back with a wide-eyed wonderment. I enjoyed the moment with a touch of wistfulness, thinking of my own children at that age and the season that has passed me by.

    I reflected, however, about King Solomon’s words in the book of Ecclesiastes about “every activity under the heavens” (v. 1). He addresses through a series of opposites how there is a “time…

    Beyond Labels

    A church in my city has a unique welcome card that captures the love and grace of God for everyone. It says, “If You Are A . . . saint, sinner, loser, winner”—followed by many other terms used to describe struggling people—“alcoholic, hypocrite, cheater, fearful, misfit . . . . You are welcome here.” One of the pastors told me, “We read the card aloud together in our worship services every Sunday.”

    How often we accept labels and allow them to define who we are. And how easily we assign them to others. But God’s grace defies labels because it is…

    No Judgment

    Like many people with a guilt-inclined personality, accepting that the gospel is good news for me hasn’t come easy. Having grown up in the church, I knew the story, but could always think of why I might be exempt from sharing the joy of the gospel. I would worry about Jesus’ future separation between true and false believers (Matthew 25:31-46), troubled by the thought that even people who profess faith can be lost. I was haunted by the passage about the unforgivable sin (Matthew 12:30-32), wondering if perhaps I could push God too far away to return to Him. Christ…

    God Sees You

    Susan had suffered one disappointment after another, and she was feeling disillusioned with God. She asked me and another friend to pray with her, and we gladly did. I’ll never forget my friend’s prayer, “Lord, let Susan know You love her—that You see her.” The next day Susan thanked us for our prayers. She said she’d been feeling invisible, and our prayers helped her to feel visible again. She knew afresh that God saw her.

    Intimate Details

    The universe is astonishingly grand. Right now the moon is spinning around us at nearly 2,300 miles an hour. Our Earth is spinning around the sun at 66,000 miles an hour. Our sun is one of 200 billion other stars and trillions more planets in our galaxy, and that galaxy is just one of 100 billion others hurtling through space. Astounding!

    In comparison to this vast cosmos, our little Earth is no bigger than a pebble, and our individual lives no greater than a grain of sand. Yet according to Scripture, the God of the galaxies attends to each microscopic one…

    The secret of contentment

    It’s easy to feel satisfied when life is good. But when circumstances take a difficult turn, contentment can fly out the window! Today on Discover the Word, we explore the apostle Paul’s secret to contentment in every circumstance. A biblical look at satisfaction regardless of our situation today on Discover the Word!

    Fishing for people

    Ask anyone who’s caught a lot of fish, and they’ll tell you that the key to their success is patience. And today on Discover the Word, the team delves deeper into this secret to becoming better at “fishing for people.” It’s part of the series titled “Fishing Tips.” Join us for the exciting conclusion and […]

    Love Them with Me

    In March 2007, I was standing in an Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camp in northern Uganda gazing at hundreds of young refugees who were staring back at me. As I looked into their eyes, saw their malnourished frames, and witnessed their deplorable living conditions, the Holy Spirit filled me in a way I’d never experienced before. I sensed God was telling me, “I love these children. I love them!” And then, it was as if He extended this invitation: “Come love them with me.”

    Surrendering to Love

    Can you win by surrendering? Discover how two broken marriages found healing when they surrendered everything to Christ. Hear Tim and Gretchen share their inspiring stories of reconciliation. Find encouragement and renewal for any marriage with the Day Of Discovery online video “Our Weekend to Remember: A Marriage Reborn.”    

    Sharing our faith in Christ

    Today on Discover the Word, we continue the series titled “Fishing Tips” about sharing our faith in Christ. We’re observing how Jesus draws people to Himself using His favorite “bait.” What is His favorite bait? Find out, and learn why every believer can “go fish” like Jesus, by joining us right here on Discover the […]

    Going First

    We worked patiently to help our son heal and adjust to his new life with our family. Trauma from his early days in an orphanage was fueling some negative behaviors. While I had enormous compassion for the hardships he experienced in his early days, I felt myself begin to withdraw from him emotionally because of those behaviors. Ashamed, I shared my struggle with his therapist. Her gentle reply hit home: “He needs you to go first . . . to show him he’s worthy of love before he’ll be able to act like it.”

    John pushes the recipients of his letter…

    The alien among us

    When you think of “aliens,” you probably picture little green men from far off galaxies or scary creatures in outer space. But today on Discover the Word, the team considers how Jesus calls those who are far off spiritually—aliens—into his family. A different way of thinking about “aliens” when you listen to Discover the Word!

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