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    What We Bring Back

    John F. Burns spent forty years covering world events for The New York Times.  In an article written after his retirement in 2015, Burns recalled the words of a close friend and fellow journalist who was dying of cancer. “Never forget,” his colleague said, “It’s not how far you’ve traveled; it’s what you’ve brought back.”

    Psalm 37 could be considered David’s list of what he “brought back” from his journey of life, from shepherd to soldier and king. The psalm is a series of couplets contrasting the wicked with the righteous, and affirming those who trust the Lord.

    “Do not fret because…

    Star Gazing

    My adopted teenage son and I had the privilege of hosting two of his closest friends, Brock and Wesley (and their parents), in his native country of Uganda. Though our friends were spending just one week in East Africa, their plans were so ambitious that I said to Brock, “Your dad wants to do everything in seven days.” “It’s possible,” Brock replied. “God made the earth in seven days.” “Yes,” my son said with a smile, “but did God do all of these activities?”

    Dependent on God’s Presence

    Those who wait on the Lord…shall walk and not faint. —Isaiah 40:31

    There is no thrill for us in walking, yet it is the test for all of our steady and enduring qualities. To “walk and not faint” is the highest stretch possible as a measure of strength. The word walk is used in the Bible to express the character of a person—…

    The Concept of Divine Control

    Jesus is laying down the rules of conduct in this passage for those people who have His Spirit. He urges us to keep our minds filled with the concept of God’s control over everything, which means that a disciple must maintain an attitude of perfect trust and an eagerness to ask and to seek.

    Sufficient grace for each moment

    Faith is a daily journey. But when a medical diagnosis turns life into a steep, uphill climb it’s easy to get weary and fearful. Join host Barbara Follis to hear stories from Chris, Tiffany, and Carla. They’re sharing how God’s grace overcame the dark clouds renewing their hope. Learn more about God’s grace impacting your […]

    Intimate Details

    The universe is astonishingly grand. Right now the moon is spinning around us at nearly 2,300 miles an hour. Our Earth is spinning around the sun at 66,000 miles an hour. Our sun is one of 200 billion other stars and trillions more planets in our galaxy, and that galaxy is just one of 100 billion others hurtling through space. Astounding!

    In comparison to this vast cosmos, our little Earth is no bigger than a pebble, and our individual lives no greater than a grain of sand. Yet according to Scripture, the God of the galaxies attends to each microscopic one…

    Shameless Persistence

    After 45 years of talking with God, I still find prayer to be an enigma. At times, I’ve felt as if I stopped praying too soon. If I had persevered, would the outcome have been different?

    Drawing on the Grace of God— Now

    We . . . plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain —2 Corinthians 6:1

    The grace you had yesterday will not be sufficient for today. Grace is the overflowing favor of God, and you can always count on it …

    God is far more concerned with your heart

    Today on Discover the Word, we conclude the series titled, “Why, Jesus?” When Jesus came to earth, He caught a lot of flack from the religious leaders of His day. But what if we’re more like those religious leaders than we think? Today the team discusses how God is far more concerned with the heart than the […]

    Sharing a Cup of Comfort

    A friend mailed me some of her homemade pottery. Upon opening the box, I discovered the precious items had been damaged during their journey. One of the cups had shattered into a few large pieces, a jumble of shards, and clumps of clay dust.

    After my husband glued the broken mess back together, I displayed the beautifully blemished cup on a shelf. Like that pieced-together pottery, I have scars that prove I can still stand strong after the difficult times God’s brought me through. That cup of comfort reminds me that sharing how the Lord has worked in and through my…

    To Those Not Celebrating Father’s Day

    I have nothing against Father’s Day. My family just never had the practice of celebrating it—along with other occasions like Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day.

    With Us in the Waters

    During the school holidays, we drove out to the seaside town of Scarborough on the northeast coast of England. As we walked along the beach, we were fascinated by the sight of all the boats stranded in the harbor. The tide was out and the boats stood upright in the sand. Anyone wanting to navigate one of them would have to wait for the powerful, surging waters of the tide to come in again.

    Job & Jesus and puzzling questions

    Today on Discover the Word, the team concludes the series titled, “Job and Jesus”! And as they come to the end of Job’s story, they come across a puzzling question you may not have thought about before. It’s about his children. Join the team today for a thought-provoking discussion about “Job and Jesus,” today on […]

    What Comes First

    When I was a young child, I thought that thunder and lightning were separate phenomena that just happened to occur at the same time. It was only years later that a science teacher explained to me that lightning and thunder are directly connected to one another—that the rapid heating and cooling of the air during a lightning strike causes a massive atmospheric boom which we hear as thunder. In other words, you would never have thunder if lightning didn’t strike first.

    Pondering some important questions about God

    Today on Discover the Word,  the group continues their study in the Old Testament book of Job. Join them at the table as they uncover how God’s questions are wiser than our best answers, and how pondering some important questions about God can encourage our growth. Pull up the fourth chair and listen today to […]

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