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    Mightier than All



    Iguazu Falls on the border of Brazil and Argentina is a spectacular waterfall system of 275 falls along 2.7 km (1.67 miles) of the Iguazu River. Etched on a wall on the Brazilian side of the Falls are the words of Psalm 93:4, “Mightier than the thunders of many waters, mightier than the waves of the sea, the Lord on high is mighty!” (rsv). Below it are these words, “God is always greater than all of our troubles.”

    The writer of Psalm 93, who penned its words during the time that kings reigned, knew that God is the ultimate King over…

    Creation Teaching

    We recently moved to my husband’s hometown, a city that features a beautiful metro park system. Every day, prior to work and after dropping off two of our three young daughters at school, we take a brief hike together. My husband straps our baby onto his back in a backpack-like contraption, and off we go!

    The Search for Meaning: Science & God

    Using debate-tested conclusions and simple illustrations, Science & God examines the tension between science and religion to clarify the issues.

    A Laughing Faith

    I remember where I was sitting in the cramped living room of our apartment when Miska told me she was pregnant with our first son, Wyatt. I must have sat mute for several moments because Miska asked, “Are you okay? What are you thinking?” In theory, I wanted to be a dad someday, but it had seemed like a distant possibility. But here it was . . . I was going to be a dad, and I was dumbstruck.

    Living lives of worship

    Every culture on earth expresses itself through music! Today on Discover the Word, we welcome Nicole Unice back to the table one last time to talk about how God can even turn our lives into songs. They’re not talking about singing through life, but how God’s resounding glory reverberates in everyone who encounters Him. Living […]

    Glory is full of grace

    News coverage seems to thrive on a good scandal. Well, today on Discover the Word, we welcome author Nicole Unice back to the table to discuss a scandalous scene in the Bible. And this one involves Jesus. Could He be the one acting scandalously? Listen today on Discover the Word!  

    We have seen His glory

    What do you think of when you hear, “the glory of God”?  Today on Discover the Word, our team joins author Nicole Unice in kicking off a new series titled, “The Glory Effect.” They’ll examine what God’s glory really is, and how it impacts you today. Listen to Discover the Word!

    Very Good!

    Some days seem to have a theme running through them. Recently I had one of those days. Our pastor began his sermon on Genesis 1 with two minutes of breath-taking, time-lapse photography of blossoming flowers. Then, at home, a scroll through social media revealed numerous posts of flowers. Later on a walk in the woods, the wildflowers of spring surrounded us—trilliums, marsh marigolds, and wild iris.

    God created flowers and every other variety of vegetation (and dry ground to grow in), on the third day of creation. And twice on that day, God pronounced it “good” (Gen. 1:10, 12). On only…

    Covenant Relationship

    Two different friends from different spheres of my life—one a man, one a woman—told me about their unfaithful spouses during the same week. Both felt betrayed and angry. They wondered if they would ever feel whole again.

    Do you ever feel like you’re having a one-sided conversation?

    Have you ever felt like you were having a one-sided conversation with someone? That it seemed like you had to do all the talking because you couldn’t get them to speak, like it was really a monologue? Today on Discover the Word, the team looks to the story of Job to answer the question, “Are […]

    God’s Assurance

    He Himself has said . . . . So we may boldly say . . . —Hebrews 13:5-6

    My assurance is to be built upon God’s assurance to me. God says, “I will never leave you,” so that then I “may boldly say, …

    The Never-forsaking God

    He Himself has said, ’I will never leave you nor forsake you’ —Hebrews 13:5

    What line of thinking do my thoughts take? Do I turn to what God says or to my own fears? Am I simply repeating what …

    We Believe in God

    This course briefly surveys what theologians call theology proper or the doctrine of God. It deals with questions such as: Who is God? What are his attributes? What is his eternal plan? What are his works in history? At the most fundamental level, the Scriptures were given to teach us about who God is and what he has done for us. In fact, knowing God is essential for us to understand ourselves and our world. This course is based on the lecture series, We Believe in God, produced by Third Millennium Ministries and hosted by Rev. Dr. Thurman Williams with…

    Seeing God

    Caricature artists set up their easels in public places and draw pictures of people who are willing to pay a modest price for a humorous image of themselves. Their drawings amuse us because they exaggerate one or more of our physical features in a way that is recognizable but funny.

    Caricatures of God, on the other hand, are not funny. Exaggerating one of His attributes presents a distorted view that people easily dismiss. Like a caricature, a distorted view of God is not taken seriously. Those who see God portrayed only as an angry and demanding judge are easily lured away…

    The Habit of Recognizing God’s Provision

    . . . you may be partakers of the divine nature . . . —2 Peter 1:4

    We are made “partakers of the divine nature,” receiving and sharing God’s own nature through His promises. Then we have to work that divine nature …

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