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    Deep Roots

    The sequoia tree, one of three species of redwoods, is among the world’s largest and most enduring organisms. It can grow to 300 feet in height, weigh over 2.5 million pounds (1.1 million kg), and live for 3,000 years. But the majestic sequoia owes much of its size and longevity to what lies below the surface. A twelve- to fourteen-foot deep matting of roots, spreading over as much as an acre of earth, firmly grounds its towering height and astonishing weight.

    A redwood’s expansive root system, however, is small compared to the national history, religion, and anticipation that undergird the life…

    Face to Face

    Although the world is connected electronically like never before, nothing beats time together in person. As we share and laugh together, we can often sense—almost unconsciously—the other person’s emotions by watching their facial movements. Those who love each other, whether family or friends, like to share with each other face to face.

    We see this face-to-face relationship between the Lord and Moses, the man God chose to lead His people. Moses grew in confidence over the years of following God, and he continued to follow Him despite the people’s rebelliousness and idolatry. After the people worshiped a golden calf instead of the Lord (see…


    A battle rages where I live—a rivalry between two universities. The rivalry manifests itself primarily in athletic competition. My alma mater proudly displays the letter “S” as its logo. The S stands for State, as in Michigan State University. The other school brandishes a distinctive “M,” which represents the University of Michigan.

    The Ultimate Good

    As I was growing up in Jamaica, my parents raised my sister and me to be “good people.” In our home, good meant obeying our parents, telling the truth, being successful in school and work, and going to church . . .  at least Easter and Christmas. I imagine this definition of being a good person is familiar to many people, regardless of culture. In fact, the apostle Paul, in Philippians 3, used his culture’s definition of being good to make a greater point.

    Paul, being a devout first-century Jew, followed the letter of the moral law in his culture. He was…

    God or Not?

    In his book Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis wrote, “A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic—on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg—or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse.”

    Bring your thirst to Jesus

    Tap water is amazing! Do you ever think about how great it is, when you’re thirsty, to turn on the faucet and have water come pouring out? Well, be part of the Discover the Word team today as they dive into John chapters 4 and 7 and talk about how to quench your spiritual thirst.  We’re […]

    Bring your recognition to Jesus

    “Who do you say that I am?” That’s the most important question Jesus ever asked Peter and it’s a question that God calls each of us to answer. Today on Discover the Word, we continue the series titled, “Bring It to Jesus.” Everyone has an answer to who Jesus is, but is it true? Listen […]

    The cross of Christ was always the plan

    Why do Christians focus on the cross? It might seem morbid to some, but as we’ll see today on Discover the Word, “The Wondrous Cross” is where God’s carefully laid plans came to fruition. We’ll discover as we look beyond the cross to what it accomplished, that the cross of Christ was always “Plan A.” Listen […]

    Remember the Cross

    In the church I attend, a large cross stands at the front of the sanctuary. It represents the original cross where Jesus died—the place where our sin intersected with His holiness. There God allowed His perfect Son to die for the sake of every wrong thing we have ever done, said, or thought. On the cross, Jesus finished the work that was required to save us from the death we deserve (Rom. 6:23).

    The sight of a cross causes me to consider what Jesus endured for us. Before being crucified, He was flogged and spit on. The soldiers hit Him in…

    A wondrous plan hundreds of years in the making

    Today on Discover the Word, we continue our study called “The Wondrous Cross,” a place of seeming contradictions. How could a cross—a Roman execution rack—be “wondrous”? It begins to make sense when you realize it was all part of the plan, spelled out hundreds of years earlier. We’re seeing how Christ fulfills the ancient prophecy […]

    The “Wondrous Cross”

    What would you say causes you the most pain in life? And do you ever wonder where Jesus is in your pain? Today on Discover the Word, the team gathers to discuss one of the hardest questions we face as Christians. We find the answer at the “Wondrous Cross.” Listen to Discover the Word!

    “A man of sorrows, acquainted with grief”

    “A man of sorrows, acquainted with grief” is a description that not only helps us understand why Jesus can help us when we hurt, but it also shows that His heart breaks for a world lost in sin. Today on Discover the Word, we will talk about why the rejection Jesus endured can help us think […]

    Christ fulfills the Old Testament prophecy of Isaiah 53

    When Christ was crucified, the people who thought He was the Messiah were undoubtedly surprised! Yet, God had actually provided plenty of advance notice that it was going to happen! Today on Discover the Word, we will dig into one Old Testament prophecy that could have helped them make sense of what was happening. It’s […]

    Our Best Friend

    When I was twelve years old our family moved to a town in the desert. After gym classes in the hot air at my new school, we rushed for the drinking fountain. Being skinny and young for my grade, I sometimes got pushed out of the way while waiting in line. One day my friend Jose, who was big and strong for his age, saw this happening. He stepped in and stuck out a strong arm to clear my way. “Hey!” he exclaimed, “You let Banks get a drink first!” I never had trouble at the drinking fountain again.

    Jesus understood…

    “Bring it to Jesus”

    I think everyone can agree there’s a lot going on in our world and in our individual lives! We have a lot of things on our mind! Today on Discover the Word, we begin an encouraging discussion about the kinds of things we can “Bring to Jesus.” Not sure where to go with all you’ve […]

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