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    Streams of Mercy

    The council in Cassandra Boyson’s Seeker’s Trilogy was responsible for maintaining law and order in the name of the “Great One.” Instead, they were corrupt, singling out people they deemed different for cruel treatment. Slowly the surrounding society began to decay—reflecting the council’s immoral ways. Yet in a surprising twist, the Great One righted the wrongs of that world by providing a river that transformed all who came into contact with it.

    Bring your readiness to Jesus

    Do you remember the phrase, “Ready or not, here I come” while playing hide-and-seek when you were young? If you weren’t ready, it wasn’t something you wanted to hear. Today on Discover the Word, the team discusses how we can prepare for Jesus and how, when it comes to our readiness, we need to “Bring It to […]

    The Kingdom We Long For

    I remember the way grief hung so heavy the morning after news broke of the deadliest mass shooting in US history in 2016.

    Doing good for the sake of the gospel

    Today on Discover the Word, hear the conclusion of a thought provoking study on Titus chapter 2 with previous hosts Haddon Robinson, Alice Mathews, and Mart DeHaan. It’s a special encore presentation of an unconventional Christmas series that originally aired years ago,  but one that can have a profound impact on how we live out […]

    God’s grace changes the way we live

    God’s gift of grace does more than give us peace about our past and hope for our future. It changes the way we live today. Today on Discover the Word, join past hosts Haddon Robinson, Alice Mathews, and Mart DeHaan as they take a look at Titus chapter 2  and discuss the way God’s grace […]

    The greatest Gift of all!

    So much of the Christmas season is about giving and receiving gifts, and when you think back over the years perhaps there’s a particular gift that comes to mind for you. Today on Discover the Word, original hosts Haddon Robinson, Alice Mathews, and Mart DeHaan remember the greatest gift of all. It’s part of a […]

    A Message of hope

    Christmastime is filled with anticipation. As children, we could hardly wait to find those gifts beneath the tree. But as adults, there’s something even better to look forward to. This week, enjoy some classic Christmas programs with original Discover the Word hosts Haddon Robinson, Alice Mathews, and Mart DeHaan. They’ll share what the term “Advent” […]

    Ready for the Wedding

    “I’m hungry,” said my eight-year-old daughter. “I’m sorry,” I said, “I don’t have anything for you. Let’s play tic-tac-toe.” We had been waiting over an hour for the bride to arrive at the church for what was supposed to be a noon wedding. As I wondered how much longer it would be, I hoped I could occupy my daughter until the wedding started.

    As we waited, I felt like we were enacting a parable. Although the vicarage where we live is a stone’s throw from the church, I knew if I went to fetch some crackers, the bride could come at…

    When We See Jesus

    One of my favorite hymns is When We See Christ. The chorus declares how it will be worth every struggle and challenge we encounter in life when we see Jesus face-to-face. And with that day in view, we can courageously live for Him today!

    Because I Love Him

    The day before my husband was to return home from a business trip my son said, “Mom! I want Daddy to come home.” I asked him why, expecting him to say something about the presents his daddy usually brings back or that he missed playing ball with him. But with solemn seriousness he answered, “I want him to come back because I love him!”

    His answer made me think about our Lord and His promise to come back. “I am coming soon,” Jesus says (Rev. 22:20). I long for His return, but why do I want Him to come back? Is…

    Waiting on God

    I was sitting with a group of passengers on an airport shuttle heading to our connecting flight when the bus driver was told to “hold in place.” It looked like we would miss our flight, and this was more than one passenger could handle. He exploded at the driver, insisting he ignore his orders or “risk the wrath of a lawsuit.” Just then an airline employee came dashing up carrying a briefcase. Looking at the angry man, the airline employee triumphantly held up the briefcase. When he had caught his breath, he said, “You left your briefcase. I heard you…


    King Pyrrhus had tasted victory against the Romans in the Battle of Asculum (279 BC). But the victory was bittersweet. Pyrrhus lamented, “If we are victorious in one more battle with the Romans, we shall be utterly ruined.” Why? Even though the Romans had sustained more losses in the battle, the depth of their army was far greater. So Pyrrhus knew that ultimate victory in war with Rome was impossible.

    Relief for the Troubled

    One of my favorite scenes in literature occurs when a feisty aunt confronts an evil stepfather over the abuse of her nephew, David Copperfield. This scene takes place in Charles Dickens’ novel named after the main character.

    When David Copperfield shows up at his aunt’s house, his stepfather is not far behind. Aunt Betsy Trotwood is not pleased to see the malicious Mr. Murdstone. She recounts a list of offenses and does not let him slither out of his responsibility for each act of cruelty. Her charges are so forceful and truthful that Mr. Murdstone—a normally aggressive person—finally leaves without a…

    A Dummy’s Guide to Facing the Apocalypse

    Apocalypse. The word conjures many scenarios, with the most popular ones involving zombies and nukes. Sorry, zombie fans, we’re not talking about that kind of apocalypse.

    Why I Look Forward to Heaven

    Stories have been a part of my life since I was a kid. Before I could read, my grandpa and my mum used to read them to me. When I was old enough to read on my own, I would be found in the company of books for hours.

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