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    Glory is full of truth

    When you hear “the glory of God,” you might think of radiant light and angelic choirs. But today on Discover the Word, we return for a visit with author Nicole Unice to discuss how God’s glory is marked by amazing grace. It’s part of the series titled, “The Glory Effect.” Listen today to Discover the Word!

    Glory is full of grace

    News coverage seems to thrive on a good scandal. Well, today on Discover the Word, we welcome author Nicole Unice back to the table to discuss a scandalous scene in the Bible. And this one involves Jesus. Could He be the one acting scandalously? Listen today on Discover the Word!  

    A message of love

    When it’s said someone was born on the “wrong side of the tracks,” you’d probably want to avoid them! But today on Discover the Word, we find that Jesus’s mission was entirely different from what His disciples expected. It’s a message of love for those society deems unlovely. Listen today to Discover the Word!

    Who do you think you are?

    “Who do you think you are?” That’s a question the people ask Jesus in Mark chapter 2. And today on Discover the Word, the team continues their series titled, “Why, Jesus?” Join them at the table as they uncover who Jesus revealed Himself to be while challenging our ideas in the process. Listen today  to Discover […]

    “Why, Jesus?”

    Have you ever wanted to ask Jesus a question? Today on Discover the Word, the team kicks off a new series from Mark chapter 2 titled, “Why, Jesus?” They’ll examine four key questions asked of Jesus and how His answers clarified His mission. Listen to Discover the Word today!

    God or Not?

    In his book Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis wrote, “A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic—on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg—or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse.”

    Amazing Grace, Amazing Faith

    If I asked you to hum the melody of Amazing Grace, it’s likely you would know it. It’s a well-known song that reminds us about God’s astonishing forgiveness. His grace gave us spiritual sight when we were blind—allowing us to draw near to Him. God’s grace makes us shiver in reverence of Him, but it also eases our fears. As the song says, God’s grace is truly amazing!

    Bring your recognition to Jesus

    “Who do you say that I am?” That’s the most important question Jesus ever asked Peter and it’s a question that God calls each of us to answer. Today on Discover the Word, we continue the series titled, “Bring It to Jesus.” Everyone has an answer to who Jesus is, but is it true? Listen […]

    Lord of the Cosmos

    As you read this, the moon is circling the earth at 2,300 miles per hour. Even at that speed, it will take it nearly a month to make a full rotation. Meanwhile, despite circling the sun at 66,000 miles per hour, the earth will take a whole year to make one orbit. And our sun is just one of 200 million other suns spinning around the Milky Way at 483,000 miles per hour—a speed which necessitates 225 million years to circle around once. And the Milky Way is but one of 100 billion other galaxies shooting through space at over 1…

    The Power of the Cross

    Bill Crowder presents the centurion’s perspective on the crucifixion of Christ to encourage a deeper understanding of its significance and power to change lives.

    “What the deaf man heard”

    Today on Discover the Word we continue our study on Malchus, a man who comes to learn of Christ’s love in one of the most unorthodox ways imaginable—by getting his ear chopped off! An interesting conversation about “what the deaf man heard” right here on Discover the Word!

    Where is Jesus when we get blindsided?

    Have you ever been blindsided by something? We can all get caught off guard by events we didn’t expect. But today, the Discover the Word team sits down to discuss how a man named Malchus got blindsided by Jesus’s disciple Peter. Suddenly, the flash of a sword changed his life. So where is Jesus when […]

    Bringing your health to Jesus

    When we pray for healing, and it doesn’t come, where is God then? Today on Discover the Word, the team continues their series titled, “Bring It to Jesus,” and they’re going to be talking about bringing our health to Jesus. Listen right here on Discover the Word!

    “Bring it to Jesus”

    I think everyone can agree there’s a lot going on in our world and in our individual lives! We have a lot of things on our mind! Today on Discover the Word, we begin an encouraging discussion about the kinds of things we can “Bring to Jesus.” Not sure where to go with all you’ve […]

    One of Us

    At the memorial service for Charles Schulz (1922–2000), creator of the beloved Peanuts comic strip, friend and fellow cartoonist Cathy Guisewite spoke of his humanity and compassion. “He gave everyone in the world characters who knew exactly how all of us felt, who made us feel we were never alone. And then he gave the cartoonist himself, and he made us feel that we were never alone. . . . He encouraged us. He commiserated with us. He made us feel he was exactly like us.”

    When we feel that no one understands or can help us, we are reminded that Jesus…

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