Our Daily Bread Ministries


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    Discover how God is making all things new

    Something new is coming. And in fact, it’s already here. Today on Discover the Word, we will share how God is making all things new and He’s starting with you. It’s an encouraging and life-changing truth from Mark chapter 2 in the series titled, “Why, Jesus?” Listen right here on  Discover the Word!


    Have you ever gone out of your way to do something kind for others, only to have them ignore your effort? You stayed up past midnight to finish a report for your boss or planned a special getaway for your family. You were excited to please them, but ended up disappointed when they didn’t even say thank you.

    Who do you think you are?

    “Who do you think you are?” That’s a question the people ask Jesus in Mark chapter 2. And today on Discover the Word, the team continues their series titled, “Why, Jesus?” Join them at the table as they uncover who Jesus revealed Himself to be while challenging our ideas in the process. Listen today  to Discover […]

    Confident expectations

    Jesus wants to give you lasting hope! And today on Discover the Word, we are back in the Gospels, looking at Martha—someone who might be called one of the Bible’s most misunderstood characters! There’s another side to this woman that shows how biblical hope goes beyond just a wish, to confident expectation. Listen today to […]

    Bring your hunger to Jesus

    Have you ever found yourself snacking, unsure exactly why? You’re just, hungry . . . for something. But in a lot of ways, we’re all looking for something to fill us, to satisfy us. Today on Discover the Word, we will discuss how the hunger in our souls can find satisfaction when we “Bring It to […]

    The surprising power of Christ’s love

    This week on Discover the Word the group has gotten to know a man named Malchus—an obscure character in the Easter story. So why do all four gospel writers tell us his story and why do they give us his name? What came of Malchus’s encounter with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane? It’s a story […]

    “What the deaf man heard”

    Today on Discover the Word we continue our study on Malchus, a man who comes to learn of Christ’s love in one of the most unorthodox ways imaginable—by getting his ear chopped off! An interesting conversation about “what the deaf man heard” right here on Discover the Word!

    Blindsided by Jesus’s love – the story of Malchus

    Do you like surprises? Even for those of us who don’t, we might come around when it’s a good surprise. Today on Discover the Word, the team gathers to discuss one of the most surprising things about Jesus, by looking at one of the most surprised people in the Bible. Blindsided by Jesus’s love—the story […]

    Where is Jesus when we get blindsided?

    Have you ever been blindsided by something? We can all get caught off guard by events we didn’t expect. But today, the Discover the Word team sits down to discuss how a man named Malchus got blindsided by Jesus’s disciple Peter. Suddenly, the flash of a sword changed his life. So where is Jesus when […]

    Bringing your impossibilities to Jesus

    You’ve heard it said, “Nothing is impossible with God.” But living in that reality can be harder than just saying it! And today on Discover the Word, we continue the conversation in our series titled, “Bring It to Jesus.” It’s a discussion on the power of bringing even our impossibilities to Jesus. Listen today to Discover […]

    Intimate Theology

    Do you believe this? —John 11:26

    Martha believed in the power available to Jesus Christ; she believed that if He had been there He could have healed her brother; she also …

    Joining the conversation

    Are you a loyal listener who’s always wanted to join the conversation asking, “Why doesn’t somebody say this?” Well, today on Discover the Word, we give 4th chair contest winner Greg Brown the chance to be that “somebody.” He’s in the studio and part of the conclusion of their series about “Carrying Our Friends to Christ”! […]

    “Carrying Our Friends to Christ”

    Today on Discover the Word, we welcome one of our 4th chair contest winners to the table. Michelle is our guest and the topic is “Carrying Our Friends to Christ.” Michelle talks about the people in her life who carried her to Christ, and continued speaking into her life as her mentors, including the team here […]

    Overcoming the barriers to knowing Jesus

    We all know someone who we would really like to see come to Christ. Today on Discover the Word, we address the three most common barriers that people erect against accepting Jesus. Whether it’s emotional, intellectual, or volitional, people have their reasons. Overcoming barriers that keep us from “Carrying Our Friends to Christ.” Join the group […]

    There’s only one path to God, but there are many paths to Jesus

    “There’s only one path to God, and that’s Jesus. But there are many paths to Jesus.” Today on Discover the Word, we will discuss how “Carrying Our Friends to Christ” involves coming alongside them in ways that are meaningful to them. And as we’ll see in the story of a paralyzed man in Mark chapter […]

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