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    He Gave Us Scripture: Foundations of Interpretation

    Evangelical Christians affirm the Scriptures as God’s inerrant word, but we still disagree sometimes over the meaning of particular verses or passages, and these differences can influence our Christian doctrine and practice. One reason for these disagreements is that there are many different approaches to interpreting the Bible. But how do we know which approach to interpretation is the most responsible? This course will help answer that question. It is based on the lecture series, He Gave Us Scripture: Foundations of Interpretation, produced by Third Millennium Ministries and hosted by Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr. with contributions from a variety…

    Scriptures that beg the question, “Why did we need to know that?”

    Sometimes, you come across a section of the Bible that makes you do a double-take. Why did we need to know that? Today on Discover the Word, we’ll have a conversation on one such passage. It’s a disturbing part of “The Miraculous Life of Elisha.” Don’t miss it today on Discover the Word!

    God knows your future

    Today on Discover the Word the group focuses on a keen insight into the obvious that we find throughout the Bible—God knows the future, and we don’t. Another example of that as we look at the “Miraculous Life of Elisha” once again today. You’ll be encouraged . . . right here  on Discover the Word!

    Is God your “number one”?

    Following God isn’t always easy, but one thing we can be pretty sure of is that when we’re “looking out for number one,” and that number one is me, we’re headed down a wrong path. Today on Discover the Word, the group digs into “The Miraculous Life of Elisha” to find out who “number one” always […]

    Concluding a week long study on “Mysterious Bible Texts”

    It’s a question about the Bible that people have asked through the centuries. Who exactly were the sons of God who married the daughters of men back in the Old Testament? Were they angels, demons or demon-possessed men? There are a number of possible explanations. Today on Discover the Word, we will talk about all […]

    Context can help us understand mysterious texts

    “What’s going on here?” How many times have you asked that while reading your Bible? Well, as we reveal today on Discover the Word it’s so often all about the context! Context can help us understand mysterious texts, like in Jude 9 where it talks about Michael the archangel disputing with the devil about the body […]

    Humbly accepting the “tension of mystery”

    Being finite beings, we’re limited in how much we can understand. And that’s why some Bible passages really challenge us. Today on Discover the Word, the team will discuss 1 Peter 3:18–20 where Peter talks about Christ’s spirit “preaching to the spirits in prison.” It’s another one of those strange texts that remind us that sometimes […]

    Grasping the “good gifts” Christ died to give us

    This week on Discover the Word, join a series of conversations that examine some mysterious texts in the Bible. Today, we will discuss Ephesians 4:8–10, where the apostle Paul quotes Psalm 68 with all its strange talk about “ascending” and “descending” and conquering kings who either take or give gifts. It sounds almost like a […]

    Do you worship the written Word or the Living Word?

    Do you worship the written Word or the Living Word? Today on Discover the Word, we reveal  how easy it is to so revere the Bible that we relegate its Author, and who the book is actually about, to the back seat. Join the discussion today on Discover the Word!

    Going back to the basics

    Have you ever been part of a “sword drill,” racing to find Bible references? Well, today on Discover the Word, the group talks about Ephesians 6:17, where the apostle Paul talks about the Word of God being a sword. So in this reference, is the “sword” referring to the Bible? We’re going back to Bible […]

    Putting a strange biblical term into a broader context

    In Ephesians chapter five, we read that a husband can cleanse his wife by washing her with the Word. It’s kind of a strange term, isn’t it? Any idea what it means? Well, today on Discover the Word, we try to answer this question by putting it in a broader context. Listen today to Discover the […]

    What is meant by the term “Word of Christ”

    This week on Discover the Word, be part of a series of conversations that looks for clarity in understanding what is meant when we read the term “the Word of God” in the Bible. And today, we will discuss the apostle Paul’s use of the term, the “Word of Christ,” a term that’s only used once. […]

    Hearing God

    I felt like I was underwater, sounds muffled and muted by a cold and allergies. For weeks I struggled to hear clearly. My condition made me realize how much I take my hearing for granted.

    Young Samuel in the temple must have wondered what he was hearing as he struggled out of sleep at the summons of his name (1 Sam. 3:4). Three times he presented himself before Eli, the High Priest. Only the third time did Eli realize it was the Lord speaking to Samuel. The word of the Lord had been rare at that time (v. 1), and the…

    Meant to Be Understood

    I enjoy visiting museums such as the National Gallery in London and the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. While most of the art is breathtaking, some of it confuses me. I look at seemingly random splashes of color on canvas and realize I have no idea what I am seeing—even though the artist is a master at his craft.

    Sometimes we can feel the same way about the Scriptures. We wonder, Is it even possible to understand them? Where do I start? Perhaps Paul’s words can give us some help: “Everything that was written in the past was written to teach us,…

    Context is king!

    If your friends around the table could only give you one piece of advice about how to read and study the Bible, what do you think it would be? Most likely, it would be “Pay attention to the context!” and so today on “Discover the Word,” we remember that context is king! Listen today on “Discover the Word”!

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