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    Do You Read Your Bible For Fun?

    I spent the whole of November immersed in the countryside of Western Australia with my family. We brought no work along—no revision (for the kids), no prep, teaching or writing (for my husband and me).

    Exploring mysterious texts of the Bible

    The Bible has a number of confusing texts that bemuse, baffle, and befuddle us! So how do we make sense of them? Today on Discover the Word, we set out to explore some “Mysterious Bible Texts” starting with 1 Corinthians 15 where Paul talks about “being baptized for the dead.” That’s a head scratcher until you […]

    Do you worship the written Word or the Living Word?

    Do you worship the written Word or the Living Word? Today on Discover the Word, we reveal  how easy it is to so revere the Bible that we relegate its Author, and who the book is actually about, to the back seat. Join the discussion today on Discover the Word!

    Going back to the basics

    Have you ever been part of a “sword drill,” racing to find Bible references? Well, today on Discover the Word, the group talks about Ephesians 6:17, where the apostle Paul talks about the Word of God being a sword. So in this reference, is the “sword” referring to the Bible? We’re going back to Bible […]

    Putting a strange biblical term into a broader context

    In Ephesians chapter five, we read that a husband can cleanse his wife by washing her with the Word. It’s kind of a strange term, isn’t it? Any idea what it means? Well, today on Discover the Word, we try to answer this question by putting it in a broader context. Listen today to Discover the […]

    What is meant by the term “Word of Christ”

    This week on Discover the Word, be part of a series of conversations that looks for clarity in understanding what is meant when we read the term “the Word of God” in the Bible. And today, we will discuss the apostle Paul’s use of the term, the “Word of Christ,” a term that’s only used once. […]

    Our Divine Defense

    Under Nehemiah’s supervision, the Israelite workers were rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem. When they were nearly half finished, however, they learned that their enemies were plotting to attack Jerusalem. This news demoralized the already exhausted workers.

                Nehemiah had to do something. First, he prayed and posted numerous guards in strategic places. Then, he armed his workers. “Those who carried materials did their work with one hand and held a weapon in the other, and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked” (Neh. 4:17-18).

    We who are building God’s kingdom need to arm ourselves against the…

    The forbidden Bible

    While serving a mandatory tour of duty in the Russian army, Fiodor hungered for the Word of God to sustain him. His prayers to receive a then-forbidden copy of the Bible would soon be answered in an extraordinary way. It wasn’t until years later, after Fiodor came to America, that he would discover exactly how […]

    Discover the Living Word through the written Word

    Today on “Discover the Word,” we conclude our week-long discussion about how the Bible helps us discover who God is. In the gospel of John, we read “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” And then that Word came to dwell among us. The Word—is Jesus. Discovering the Living Word through the written Word. It’s a powerful truth that will transform how you read the Bible.

    Hope through the Scriptures

    Paul tells us in Romans that the Bible was written for our instruction, that “through perseverance and encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” But what does that mean exactly? How does “persevering” in our understanding of the Bible help us with our present-day struggles and temptations? Don’t miss this important conversation today on “Discover the Word”!

    The power of the Scriptures

    What does the apostle Paul mean when he says all Scripture is “inspired,” or “God breathed”? Today on “Discover the Word,” we will discuss why it’s important for us to read the Bible with a listening ear to the Holy Spirit. The Bible is not static, it’s alive and powerful. Don’t miss the discussion!

    A Hunger for God

    A-poe-la-pi is an elderly member of the Akha, a hill tribe people who live on the mountain ranges of Yunnan Province in China. As we visited him on a recent missions trip, A-poe-la-pi told us that he had missed the weekly Bible study because of heavy rains. So he implored us, “Could you share God’s Word with me?”

    A-poe-la-pi can’t read, so the weekly gathering is vital to him. As we read the Bible to him, he listened intently. His earnest attitude reminded me that when we listen carefully to the story of the inspired Scriptures, we honor the Lord.

    In Deuteronomy…

    a passion learned

    As a second-grader at a mission school in Ghana, I didn’t fare too well. Our two teachers gallantly juggled lesson plans for students spanning seven grades. This academic effort took place in a two-room cinderblock structure with an aluminum roof that began to broil us by noon each day. Distractions waged war on my 7-year-old attention span, and they were winning—handily.

    Today’s Verse . . .

    My three sons have grown up and spread their wings, so I’ve become more and more thankful for texting. It’s one way I can stay in touch with them. Even though one lives an hour’s drive from me and another is 3 hours away, we can still digitally discuss the stuff of life.

    The Bible: Why Does It Endure? Part I

    Take a closer look at the fascinating process of biblical research that helps reveal the foundations and credibility of the timeless wisdom of the Bible. Dr. Daniel Wallace, biblical scholar and researcher, uncovers results that point to the Bible as the inspired Word of God. Gain a deeper understanding of what is revealed in the […]

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