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    Author Intent

    Sam thought his teacher was a bit over the top with her interpretations of poetry. She could launch into a detailed explanation of why there are “five sibilant sounds in this phrase.” This would cause Sam to think, Don’t be ridiculous! The poet just used words with the letter S! Try writing a poem without that sound.

    Forever Flowers

    As a toddler, my son Xavier enjoyed giving me flowers. I appreciated every freshly picked weed or store-bought blossom he purchased with his dad. I treasured each gift until it wilted and had to be thrown away. One day, Xavier gave me a beautiful bouquet of artificial flowers. He grinned as he arranged the silk […]

    Testing for Truth

    We’ve had some uninvited houseguests for years. I’m talking about ants. Although we’ve tried to make it clear that they’re unwelcome, they keep coming over unannounced. We’ve found only one thing that prevents them from stopping by every day—a mixture of poison and sugar sprinkled around the perimeter of our home. Combining the two ingredients means that the ants gobble up the toxin along with the sweet stuff, and experience the lethal results.

    Hidden Sins

    I was ready to board a plane when my flight was cancelled due to engine failure. Unable to get on another flight, I had to wait until the next day. Because of my travel woes, the airline paid for my overnight stay at a nearby hotel. I was exhausted and ready for a good night’s sleep, but I wasn’t able to rest well because of the jarring sound of jet engines. Perhaps if I lived right near an airport, I’d be used to the sound of jets taking off and landing and would sleep right through the night!

    When I Don’t Agree with the Bible

    Recently, a Christian friend of mine shared that she was going through a very rough patch in her life. Why would God, described in the Bible as the God of love, allow her to go through all that? she asked.

    The Shepherd’s Voice

    Since going through a difficult experience three years ago, I’ve battled subsequent bouts of intense anxiety and fear. Upon learning of my season of struggle, a dear friend encouraged me to memorize, meditate on, and embrace John 10. The passage, she explained, expounds on the Good Shepherd we have in Jesus and calls us to recognize and listen to His voice rather than voices of doubt, darkness, discouragement, and shame.

    Have You Felt the Pain Inflicted by the Lord?

    He said to him the third time, “…do you love Me?” —John 21:17

    Have you ever felt the pain, inflicted by the Lord, at the very center of your being, deep down in the most sensitive area of your life? The devil never inflicts pain there, and neither can sin nor human emotions. Nothing can cut through to that part of our being…

    The Piercing Question

    Do you love Me? —John 21:17

    Peter’s response to this piercing question is considerably different from the bold defiance he exhibited only a few days before when he declared, “Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You!” (Matthew 26:35; also see Matthew 26:33-34). Our natural individuality, or our natural self, boldly speaks…

    Do you worship the written Word or the Living Word?

    Do you worship the written Word or the Living Word? Today on Discover the Word, we reveal  how easy it is to so revere the Bible that we relegate its Author, and who the book is actually about, to the back seat. Join the discussion today on Discover the Word!

    Going back to the basics

    Have you ever been part of a “sword drill,” racing to find Bible references? Well, today on Discover the Word, the group talks about Ephesians 6:17, where the apostle Paul talks about the Word of God being a sword. So in this reference, is the “sword” referring to the Bible? We’re going back to Bible […]

    Putting a strange biblical term into a broader context

    In Ephesians chapter five, we read that a husband can cleanse his wife by washing her with the Word. It’s kind of a strange term, isn’t it? Any idea what it means? Well, today on Discover the Word, we try to answer this question by putting it in a broader context. Listen today to Discover the […]

    What is meant by the term “Word of Christ”

    This week on Discover the Word, be part of a series of conversations that looks for clarity in understanding what is meant when we read the term “the Word of God” in the Bible. And today, we will discuss the apostle Paul’s use of the term, the “Word of Christ,” a term that’s only used once. […]

    What does the “Word of God” mean exactly?

    No doubt, you’ve heard your pastor say, “Let’s turn in the Word of God,”  Well, what does the “Word of God” mean exactly? Today on Discover the Word, we go back to basics and begin a week in which the group explores what the biblical writers were referring to when they used the term “the Word […]

    The Authority of Truth

    Draw near to God and He will draw near to you —James 4:8

    It is essential that you give people the opportunity to act on the truth of God. The responsibility must be left with the individual— you …

    God’s Will Isn’t Found in Books

    As Christians, we are known for believing that we are to follow what the Bible tells us to do. Sometimes, this gives others the impression that we serve a God who has an unending list of commands that we need to follow.

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