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  • Topic > Biblical Studies > Themes of the Bible > Covenants of the Bible >

    The Unbreakable Promise: God’s Covenant With Moses, Part II

    Approximately 3,500 years ago, God made a covenant with Moses and the people of Israel. But was simple obedience to the law the only thing that God truly desired? Or was there more to it? Join us as we learn about the laws given to the Israelites, and the underlying purposes beneath them. Through a […]

    The Unbreakable Promise: God’s Covenant With Abraham, Part I

    Abraham’s life was filled with amazing experiences and amazing promises from God Himself. Told that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky, Abraham was also surprised to learn that kings would come forth from him—including one King who would be a blessing to the entire world. We now know that […]

    From a Distance

    Salvador Dalí’s Madonna painting allows you to see different images based on your proximity to the canvas. Viewed up close, the grey and pink dots are abstract, but from a distance of six feet, an image of Mary and Jesus emerge. Viewed from an even greater distance—fifty feet—the painting looks like a giant ear; Dalí called it, “the ear of an angel.”

    “My Rainbow in the Cloud”

    I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth —Genesis 9:13

    It is the will of God that human beings should get into a right-standing relationship with Him, and His covenants are designed for this purpose. …

    The Unbreakable Promise: God’s Covenant With David, Part III

    We often think of David as the boy who defeated a giant, but his story includes many more victories as well as defeats. What was it about David that caused him to be chosen as the king of Israel? Through David’s story, we are reminded that people look on the outward appearance, but it is God who looks at the heart. Join us as we examine the life of David and the promise that God made to him regarding an heir whose kingdom would have no end. Learn more about David’s faith in God and the unbreakable promise that leads us to Jesus.

    Runtime: 26 minutes

    Chronicles of Promise, Power & Privilege: The Legacy of Israel's Three Kings, Part I (Saul: The King of Promise)

    How does history remember Saul, Israel’s first king? Physically, he was a man who stood head and shoulders above others. But what brought about his melancholy moods and outbursts of anger? What led to his final defeat and untimely demise? Hosts Mart DeHaan and Jimmy DeYoung travel to Israel and reflect on the tragic life of Israel’s first king.

    Runtime: 26 minutes

    Chronicles of Promise, Power & Privilege: The Legacy of Israel’s Three Kings, Part II (David: The King of Power)

    A large portion of Old Testament Scripture is devoted to the story of Israel’s first three kings. The account of King David is full of adventure, suspense, and even romance. He possessed many great strengths and abilities that brought him success, but he also had weaknesses. So how do we remember King David? What kind of legacy did he leave behind? Hosts Mart DeHaan and Jimmy DeYoung visit the land where David once ruled.

    Runtime: 26 minutes

    Chronicles of Promise, Power & Privilege: The Legacy of Israel's Three Kings, Part III (Solomon: The King of Privilege)

    A large portion of Old Testament Scripture is devoted to the story of Israel’s first three kings. Long known for his great wisdom and wealth, King Solomon possessed many strengths and abilities that brought him success, but he also had weaknesses. So how do we remember King Solomon? What legacy did he leave behind? Mart DeHaan and Jimmy DeYoung take you to the land where Solomon’s story took place.

    Runtime: 26 minutes

    No Fine Print

    Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Missy Sullivan noted that many user agreements, warranties, and disclaimers that come with products are nearly unreadable. Intentionally set in very small type, they actually discourage people from understanding them. Because of this, many people don’t read all the terms of contracts before signing them.

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