Our Daily Bread Ministries


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    Mystery of the Manger

    Explore how the books of Matthew and Mark deepen and illuminate the mystery of God in the manger.

    A Bigger Story

    It’s a little cartoon with a simple plot. The Christmas pageant is approaching, and the boy-director can’t do anything right. Now, 50 years later, A Charlie Brown Christmas still draws excellent ratings in parts of the world. Why?

    Christmas: Not Just Another Celebration

    I have always lived in countries that have only two seasons: dry and wet. So to me, December has always been about Christmas and cool, rainy days, making it the best time of the year.

    5 Ways Not to Share about Christmas

    Ah, it’s Christmas! A perfect time to mark a significant date with brothers and sisters in Christ. A perfect time to share the gospel and tell people about the love of God that sent His Son down to earth to save us from our sins.

    Enjoying His Meal

    It’s not about the table, whether it’s square or round. It’s not about the chairs—plastic or wooden. It’s not about the food, although it helps if it has been cooked with love. A good meal is enjoyed when we turn off the TV and our cell phones and concentrate on those we’re with.

    Your Body

    I like to write out my thoughts before I type them. But when I use an old pen that rolls roughly across the paper, my thoughts thump along in fits and starts. When I can’t squeeze the ink out, I can’t squeeze the words out, and I quickly toss the pen aside for a better one. A free-flowing pen opens my mind, and the words often come pouring out as fast as I can write them.

    The songs of Christmas come to life–Christmas Program

    For many of us, Christmas carols bring back powerful memories of holidays gone by. But many of these songs have their own intriguing history. Join us for a special Christmas edition of “Words To Live By” as we bring to life the music of the season with the stories and Scriptures that inspired it. Find…

    What It’s Like to have a “White Christmas”

    Over the past four years, I have spent my Christmases in the snow-swept plains of northern United States. Having grown up in the subtropics, white Christmas was a new experience for me. In the beginning, the snowy landscapes are breathtakingly beautiful. But after a while, the long […]

    Remembering Advent, Overcoming Frustration

    It is December and the season of Advent is upon us! A time to remember and consider how God in all His glory humbled Himself and came into our world. A time of expectation and hope. A time of looking forward to the promise of redemption and […]

    A Ukrainian Christmas

    The people of Ukraine include many wonderful elements in their observance of Christmas. Sometimes wisps of hay are placed on the dinner table as a reminder of the Bethlehem manger. Another portion of their celebration echoes the events of the night when the Savior entered the world. A Christmas prayer is offered and then the father in the household offers the greeting, “Christ is born!” The family then responds, “Let us glorify Him!”

    The Power Of Ritual

    When I was growing up, one of the rules in our house was that we weren’t allowed to go to bed angry (Eph. 4:26). All our fights and disagreements had to be resolved. The companion to that rule was this bedtime ritual: Mom and Dad would say to my brother and me, “Good night. I love you.” And we would respond, “Good night. I love you too.”

    Let’s look at some surprising details surrounding Jesus’ birth

    A classic nativity display includes Mary, Joseph, shepherds, wise men, animals, and baby Jesus . . . all together under the roof of a quaint stable. We’ll discover that our nativity scenes may not represent the actual Christmas story! A special Christmas study.

    The Gift

    We refer to Christmas as the season of giving. Most of us try hard to find gifts that friends and family will like, but not all gifts are equal. Some gifts come with a subtle hint, like an exercise machine or a book about weight loss. Other gifts are those that the giver really wants for himself. But the best gifts are those that come from someone who loves us and knows what we want.

    World’s Longest Table

    On Sunday, July 18, 2010, one of the busiest highways in Europe became what some called “the longest table in the world.” Officials closed a 60-kilometer (37-mile) section of the A40 Autobahn in Germany’s Ruhr region so people could walk and bicycle or sit at one of 20,000 tables set up on the roadway. An estimated 2 million people came to enjoy an event the director hoped would connect people from many cultures, generations, and nations.

    The historical significance communion holds for the follower of Christ

    Tuesday, February 28, 2012

    “By faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of blood, lest he who destroyed the firstborn should touch them” (Hebrews 11:28).

    Idea: Moses acted by faith when he instituted the Passover.

    Purpose: To help listeners understand why the Passover represented an act of faith.

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