Our Daily Bread Ministries


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    A biblical look at contentment

    All the billboards, commercials, and advertisements that surround us are very good at telling us what we need to have. But how much is truly enough? Today on Discover the Word, special guest Jeff Manion along with the team, talk about the pull of materialism and whether it’s right to want more. A biblical look […]

    The 7 Churches of Revelation, Part III: The Church About to Be Tested (Smyrna)

    Get a fresh perspective on the book of Revelation and Jesus’ message to churches in all times. Travel to the land of the Bible with host Joe Stowell to visit the ancient sites of the seven churches described in Revelation. Gain insights into God’s love for the world, His warning and correction for the churches, […]

    The 7 Churches of Revelation, Part II: The Church that Left Its First Love (Ephesus)

    Get a fresh perspective on the book of Revelation and Jesus’ message to churches in all times. Travel to the land of the Bible with host Joe Stowell to visit the ancient sites of the seven churches described in Revelation. Gain insights into God’s love for the world, His warning and correction for the churches, […]

    The 7 Churches of Revelation, Part I: Introduction—The Conquering King

    Get a fresh perspective on the book of Revelation and Jesus’ message to churches in all times. Travel to the land of the Bible with host Joe Stowell to visit the ancient sites of the seven churches described in Revelation. Gain insights into God’s love for the world, His warning and correction for the churches, […]

    The Dawning: Christianity in the Roman Empire, Part V

    Take a closer look at the struggles faced by early Christians and their driving force to endure, as Dr. Joseph Stowell takes you on an amazing journey to modern-day Rome. On this Day of Discovery Dr. Stowell travels to Pompeii. A city destroyed, and yet preserved by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. Join him […]

    The Dawning: Christianity in the Roman Empire, Part IV

    Take a closer look at the struggles faced by early Christians and their driving force to endure, as Dr. Joseph Stowell takes you on an amazing journey to modern-day Rome. On this Day of Discovery join Dr. Stowell as he travels to the renowned ruins of ancient Ephesus to discover an important chapter in the epic story […]

    The Dawning: Christianity in the Roman Empire, Part III

    On this Day of Discovery, how could anyone living in the first century embrace the belief that there was a power and a kingdom greater than Rome? Join Dr. Joseph Stowell as he continues his journey through the epic story of “The Dawning: Christianity in the Roman Empire.” Other parts of the series: The Dawning, […]

    The Dawning: Christianity in the Roman Empire, Part II

    Take a closer look at the struggles faced by early Christians and their driving force to endure, as Dr. Joseph Stowell, President of Cornerstone University, takes you on an amazing journey to modern-day Rome. You’ll also visit Pompeii, Herculaneum, Ephesus,…

    The Dawning: Christianity in the Roman Empire. Part I

    Take a closer look at the struggles faced by early Christians and their driving force to endure, as Dr. Joseph Stowell, President of Cornerstone University, takes you on an amazing journey to modern-day Rome. You’ll also visit Pompeii, Herculaneum, Ephesus, and other significant locations that reveal the formation of the Christian faith in the Roman Empire from a social, economic, and political perspective.

    Other parts of the series:
    The Dawning, Part II
    The Dawning, Part III
    The Dawning, Part IV The Dawning, Part V Available for Purchase:
    The Dawning: Christianity in the Roman Empire, DVD

    Exploring the Land of the Bible: Unlocking Biblical Geography

    Join Our Daily Bread Ministries as Dr. John Beck shares his passion for both the Word of God and the Holy Land where these biblical stories were lived out. He’ll show how biblical geography plays a big part in our understanding of the Scriptures as God and the original authors intended.

    To download a PDF of the introduction and first chapter…

    A thought-provoking conversation on evangelism

    This week we’ve been talking about how to share the gospel in a pluralistic culture. It’s the same challenge that the apostle Paul faced in his day.

    Blessing our enemies by finding common ground

    When the nation of Israel was exiled to Babylon, Jeremiah gave the Jewish leaders unexpected direction. He said, “Seek the peace of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf; for in its peace you will have peace.” Listen in as we continue our series on Acts 17.

    What we can learn from Paul about evangelism

    Are you a chameleon? That is to say, do you change your behavior depending on who you’re with? Is that always bad? Join us as we continue learning from Paul this week.

    Expressing God’s love to a lost world

    “For God so loved the world” is a phrase we’re used to hearing. Throughout the pages of the Bible, God speaks of His love and compassion for everyone. Don’t miss this important discussion.

    How Paul related to a pluralistic culture

    Our world is changing, and change is difficult. So what should our attitude be as we face all the changes in the culture around us? Join us as we start a new series in Acts 17, calling Christians to engage the world.

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