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    The 7 Churches of Revelation, Part VII: The Lukewarm Church (Laodicea)

    Get a fresh perspective on the book of Revelation and Jesus’ message to churches in all times. Travel to the land of the Bible with host Joe Stowell to visit the ancient sites of the seven churches described in Revelation. Gain insights into God’s love for the world, His warning and correction for the churches, […]

    The 7 Churches of Revelation, Part VI: The Promiscuous Church and the Church before an Open Door (Thyatira & Philadelphia)

    Get a fresh perspective on the book of Revelation and Jesus’ message to churches in all times. Travel to the land of the Bible with host Joe Stowell to visit the ancient sites of the seven churches described in Revelation. Gain insights into God’s love for the world, His warning and correction for the churches, […]

    “Misunderstanding Martha”

    Do you ever feel misunderstood? Then you might be able to empathize with one of Jesus’s close friends when He was on earth—Martha. Today on Discover the Word, join the group as they open up Luke chapter 10 to uncover how we might have been, “Misunderstanding Martha” this whole time. Listen to Discover the Word today!

    The 7 Churches of Revelation, Part V: The Dead Church (Sardis)

    Get a fresh perspective on the book of Revelation and Jesus’ message to churches in all times. Travel to the land of the Bible with host Joe Stowell to visit the ancient sites of the seven churches described in Revelation. Gain insights into God’s love for the world, His warning and correction for the churches, […]

    The 7 Churches of Revelation, Part IV: The Church that Compromised (Pergamum)

    Get a fresh perspective on the book of Revelation and Jesus’ message to churches in all times. Travel to the land of the Bible with host Joe Stowell to visit the ancient sites of the seven churches described in Revelation. Gain insights into God’s love for the world, His warning and correction for the churches, […]

    The 7 Churches of Revelation, Part III: The Church About to Be Tested (Smyrna)

    Get a fresh perspective on the book of Revelation and Jesus’ message to churches in all times. Travel to the land of the Bible with host Joe Stowell to visit the ancient sites of the seven churches described in Revelation. Gain insights into God’s love for the world, His warning and correction for the churches, […]

    The 7 Churches of Revelation, Part II: The Church that Left Its First Love (Ephesus)

    Get a fresh perspective on the book of Revelation and Jesus’ message to churches in all times. Travel to the land of the Bible with host Joe Stowell to visit the ancient sites of the seven churches described in Revelation. Gain insights into God’s love for the world, His warning and correction for the churches, […]

    The 7 Churches of Revelation, Part I: Introduction—The Conquering King

    Get a fresh perspective on the book of Revelation and Jesus’ message to churches in all times. Travel to the land of the Bible with host Joe Stowell to visit the ancient sites of the seven churches described in Revelation. Gain insights into God’s love for the world, His warning and correction for the churches, […]

    Обзор Нового Завета

    Добро пожаловать на наш курс «Обзор Нового Завета»! Тема Нового Завета интересует многих, но возможно, далеко не каждый имеет ясное представление о том, как все его части гармонично соединяются в единое целое. В своём электронном курсе д-р Сид Баззелл даст нам общее представление об этой бессмертной и важной части Библии, делая это в доступной форме. Вместе с нами он будет изучать текст Писания, которое актуально и сегодня. Мы надеемся, что этот короткий курс вызовет у вас интерес к дальнейшему изучению Нового Завета.

    We can know for certain that God’s Word is true

    Skeptics give various reasons why the Bible is not reliable, including that 30- to 60-year time gap between when the events of Jesus’s ministry happened and when they were written down. Today on Discover the Word, we are joined by author and seminary professor Darrell Bock as they “mine the gap,”  showing why,  as Luke’s gospel […]

    What Jesus Said About Life After Death

    How do you know if Jesus’ claim about eternal life is true or if it’s simply wishful thinking? In this video presentation you’ll travel to Jerusalem with host Mart DeHaan and hear from a variety of authorities. Join the discussion as they explore questions about life beyond the grave and examine the words of Jesus. […]

    A New Identity: The Gospel of Matthew, Part V

    Get a practical viewpoint of the believers’ identity in Jesus! Travel to the lands of the Bible and explore the gospel of Matthew with host Michael Card.

    A New Identity: The Gospel of Matthew, Part IV

    Get a practical viewpoint of the believers’ identity in Jesus! Travel to the lands of the Bible and explore the gospel of Matthew with host Michael Card.

    A New Identity: The Gospel of Matthew, Part III

    Host Michael Card explores Matthew chapters 9-13. Join us as we uncover the identity of Jesus, see how His disciples found a new identity for themselves, and find out what that means about our own identity in the One who promised to always be with us. Other parts of the series: A New Identity: The […]

    A New Identity: The Gospel of Matthew, Part II

    Get a practical viewpoint of the believers’ identity in Jesus! Travel to the lands of the Bible and explore the gospel of Matthew with host Michael Card.

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