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    Cleansing the Gum Wall

    In 2015 a city decided it was time to clean up something that was attracting unwanted visitors. So a maintenance crew began the tedious work of removing more than one million pieces of gum—weighing more than a ton—stuck to the iconic “Gum Wall.” What began twenty years before, when patrons began sticking gum on the wall while waiting in line for the local theater, had turned into a popular tourist attraction. Unfortunately, the wall was also popular with the local rat population!

    The Price of Love

    Our daughter burst into tears as we waved goodbye to my parents. After visiting us in England, they were starting their long journey back to their home in the US. “I don’t want them to go,” she said. As I comforted her, my husband remarked, “I’m afraid that’s the price of love.”

    We might feel the pain of being separated from loved ones, but Jesus felt the ultimate separation when He paid the price of love on the cross. He, who was both human and God, fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy seven hundred years after Isaiah gave it when He “bore the sin of…

    The cross of Christ was always the plan

    Why do Christians focus on the cross? It might seem morbid to some, but as we’ll see today on Discover the Word, “The Wondrous Cross” is where God’s carefully laid plans came to fruition. We’ll discover as we look beyond the cross to what it accomplished, that the cross of Christ was always “Plan A.” Listen […]

    Remember the Cross

    In the church I attend, a large cross stands at the front of the sanctuary. It represents the original cross where Jesus died—the place where our sin intersected with His holiness. There God allowed His perfect Son to die for the sake of every wrong thing we have ever done, said, or thought. On the cross, Jesus finished the work that was required to save us from the death we deserve (Rom. 6:23).

    The sight of a cross causes me to consider what Jesus endured for us. Before being crucified, He was flogged and spit on. The soldiers hit Him in…

    Behind the Easter Story: Easter, Part II

    Hosts Mart DeHaan and Jimmy DeYoung retrace the footsteps of Jesus from His triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to His victorious resurrection on Easter morning…

    A wondrous plan hundreds of years in the making

    Today on Discover the Word, we continue our study called “The Wondrous Cross,” a place of seeming contradictions. How could a cross—a Roman execution rack—be “wondrous”? It begins to make sense when you realize it was all part of the plan, spelled out hundreds of years earlier. We’re seeing how Christ fulfills the ancient prophecy […]

    Forsaken for Our Sake

    Does having a friend nearby make pain more bearable? Researchers at the University of Virginia conducted a fascinating study to answer that question. They wanted to see how the brain reacted to the prospect of pain, and whether it behaved differently if a person faced the threat of pain alone, holding a stranger’s hand, or holding the hand of a close friend.

    Researchers ran the test on dozens of pairs, and found consistent results. When a person was alone or holding a stranger’s hand while anticipating a shock, the regions of the brain that process danger lit up.  But when holding…

    The “Wondrous Cross”

    What would you say causes you the most pain in life? And do you ever wonder where Jesus is in your pain? Today on Discover the Word, the team gathers to discuss one of the hardest questions we face as Christians. We find the answer at the “Wondrous Cross.” Listen to Discover the Word!

    The Power of the Cross

    Bill Crowder presents the centurion’s perspective on the crucifixion of Christ to encourage a deeper understanding of its significance and power to change lives.

    “A man of sorrows, acquainted with grief”

    “A man of sorrows, acquainted with grief” is a description that not only helps us understand why Jesus can help us when we hurt, but it also shows that His heart breaks for a world lost in sin. Today on Discover the Word, we will talk about why the rejection Jesus endured can help us think […]

    Christ fulfills the Old Testament prophecy of Isaiah 53

    When Christ was crucified, the people who thought He was the Messiah were undoubtedly surprised! Yet, God had actually provided plenty of advance notice that it was going to happen! Today on Discover the Word, we will dig into one Old Testament prophecy that could have helped them make sense of what was happening. It’s […]

    The Collision of God and Sin

    The Cross of Christ is the revealed truth of God’s judgment on sin. Never associate the idea of martyrdom with the Cross of Christ. It was the supreme triumph, and it shook the very foundations of hell. There is nothing in time or eternity more absolutely certain and irrefutable than what Jesus Christ accomplished on the Cross— He made it possible for the entire human race to be brought back into a right-standing relationship with God. He made redemption the foundation of human life; that is, He made a way for every person to have fellowship with God.

    The Cross was not something that happened to Jesus— He came to die; the Cross was His purpose in coming.

    His Agony and Our Access

    Jesus came with them to a place called Gethsemane, and said to the disciples….”Stay here and watch with Me.” —Matthew 26:36, 38

    We can never fully comprehend Christ’s agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, but at least we don’t have to misunderstand it. It is the agony of God and man in one Person, coming face to face with sin. We cannot learn about Gethsemane through personal experience. Gethsemane and Calvary represent…

    Experiencing Lent for the First Time

    This year marks the first time I’m actively participating in the season of Lent. Apart from it being an annual liturgical season, I originally had little idea what Lent was about.

    Malchus – a small player in one of history’s biggest scenes

    Remembering names can be hard, so it’s not surprising that there are people in the Bible who we may have forgotten about. Today on Discover the Word, the group will kick off a couple of weeks with an Easter focus by taking a closer look at someone who was a fairly small player in one […]

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