Our Daily Bread has been an inspiration in my life as well as the inmates I supervised in the state prison for almost 20yrs. I was put on suspension last week Thursday for no reason given. I prayed, fasted, cried out to Jesus,”What have I done, I cant think of anything to warrant this”. I was told that there were many complaints against me, all of which were proven to be lies on me except one. I was suspended for 5 days pending this meeting, for the one that was true and admitted to. I put several Our Daily Breads in our employee break room, as well as, copies I asked for of, “The Promise of Easter”. I walked into this meeting not knowing if I had a job, and walked out with a promotion to Site Supervisor at a different location, a $1/hr raise, and no more 12hr. weekends, but Sat/Sun. off!!! Only our Lord Jesus Christ can do this! The only thing in my file now is, a counseling memo for distributing religious materials. I told the company I would gladly take that memo to my grave. He said, “someone gave me a chance, now I want to give you one”. Praise Jesus!! He is worthy of all praise.